FM Antenna positioning question

I am considering purchasing a Radio Shack (6 element) antenna, it is only $24; I am using a dipole now. I have a small station a little ways away that I occasionally enjoy, but I have to fight static a lot.

My question is this, this station is to my west, this is most likely the only station I will listen to that is to my west, all other stations are powerful stations to my north or southeast. If I point this antenna to the west, will these other stations still come in?
Radio Shack has a rotor that you can point your antenna in
any direction. It's very handy when the control for the rotor is at you FM tuner. I think the rotor is around $60 plus the down wire.
Probably not, at least not well. Would an out side omni work for you? The rotor mentioned above is the best solution.
Call up the station and ask for one of the station engineers. Find out what polarization their antenna is running on. Many stations have gone to circular polarization, which is a hybrid of vertical and horizontal. They do this because most TV / FM antennas for the house are horizontal and most car FM antennas are vertical. You might find that one polarization works better than another at your specific location. I don't know of anyone marketing a circular polarization omni FM antenna, let alone a directional model. Other than that, a directional array on a rotor is by FAR the best solution. Having to deal with a rotor isn't a big deal unless you frequently hop from station to station. Sean