Its remarkable how much ridiculous misinformation is out there. The Magnum and Fanfare whip antennas are junk, and cannot have gain over a simple dipole. They're little more than overpriced wire rods. Real antennas take space, and there is no way around it.
Go to RadioShack, and spend $20 on their 6 element outdoor FM antenna, along with $50 for a rotator and accessories and mount it on your roof if you want decent reception, or mount it in your attic pointed in the direction where the majority of the stations are which you want to pick up. As a backup, keep the dipole and use an A/B switchbox if you desire a station where the real antenna doesn't point.
Beyond that, the simple "T" shaped dipole is not going to be improved upon by either of the two garbage antennas that the scam tuner companies are foisting off on unsuspecting consumers. If you don't mind the ugliness, get a really big antenna like the models from APS or alternately the TACO QFM-9 or Winegard HD-6065. The best FM upgrade I ever made was putting a real antenna up.