Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?


Just wondering if anyone has directly compared the Focal Scala to the Wilson Sasha? I have recently auditioned the Focal Scala a couple of times and whilst at first I was not quite satisfied , upon a second and more thorough listening I must say, I am seduced. Problem is, I have also loved Wilson speakers but, living in Australia- no one is getting the Sashas for another 2-3 months. Any suggestions?? Do I go with the Scalas now, or wait to audition the Wilson Sashas? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
How are you guys going with your Scala? I am considering a pair. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has auditioned Scala. Thanks.
Actualy, I do own Scala for two weeks, I replaced my Wilson Sophia 2 with it. Before having sold ARC REF 3, I had a few listening sessions and I would say it sounded more accomplished and potent speaker. However, I replaced my ARC REF 3 with Esoteric C-03 preamp. Plus I am changing some of cables as well. I will be 100 percent sure what Scala all about by next week. (still waiting cables from Robert, Cable Company)

So have you formed a definitive view about scalas yet?

Others, what is your latest view?


As far as every critical aspects of concerned, I have to say that Focal made a very good speaker indeed. Simply better than not just Sophia, SF Amati..., old Nova Utopia as well. Generaly speaking, if we say Focal Grand Utopia(latest) one of the best speaker that money can buy, few will argue and majority will accept this claim.
Scala is the Utopia Grand for us who don't have a large living room or dedicated listening room.
If you give me idea about your setup, I may make more specific comments concerning Focal Scala Utopia.

Thanks, that's encouraging. I heard Scala only once and immediately thought it was ahead of every other speakers I had heard up to that point. (I only listen to speakers generally below US$40K. I have heard a few around 100K+ but didn't think there was anything particularly special about them.)

My set up is Cremona M + Marantz SA7-S1 + Naim amps (power amp 250.2 at 80w).

I could afford to upgrade to Scala and my budget would be burnt. I hope the amps are ok for a year while I save for
next upgrade.

My current room is 4m x 6.5m.

I will be able to audition Scala again soon in a similarly sized room. I will bring my amps.

But I will not be able to hear Maestro, which a few people here say is the sweet spot in the line. While undoubtedly superior (given price), I can't imagine that it would be much better. But of course I want to make the right decision. If Scala is most of Maestro but with smaller footprint I would be ok to live with Scala. For example, Amati is significantly "more" than Cremona M, and I would not settle for Cremona M. I would like to be able to settle with Scala for many years (if not a "last" pair).