Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.

Mail me the PDF. I can read Chinese & I'm happy to translate a sumarized version.

Whitty, I've Sig 805. How is the 688 better?

FYI - Focus has been swamped with orders from their distributors in the Far East, so they have been in short supply, particularly in the wood finishes. But the good news is that they have just completed a new production run, so if you have a pair on order, they should be available this week.

Don't get me wrong the 805 sigs IMO are a great speaker, second on my list of the speakers I have owned.
I listen to jazz, classical, old rock. The f688 do all types of music very well, there mid range really is second to none (that i have heard anyway). I find the f688 to pull you into the music, 3d sound stage, amazing imaging. There are songs where you can actually hear that the singer is sitting at the piano, A little to the left of center and lower (seated position. I have had friends come over and show me their goose bumps after listening to a track from Norah jones and many other artists.

the sound from the 805 sig IMO are more separated, no musical flow or involving pace. Also the 805 sigs do not do rock music very well, probably because they are so acurrate.

Philnyc Hope you are right, I can't wait to get my focus f688 back... they really are second to none

best wishes
Have any of you guys ever managed to take a listen to any of the classic series?

While I would love to buy some sigs, I think the classic range is a little more realistic for me (but still a strech). The three professional reviews I have found for the FA classics were not that good. I am hopping that it was just there amplifcation was not up to par. What are you guys using, what do you find works well? Would my Bryston 3B be up to the task?

Thanks for you guys help.

P.S. I do live in Canada so I can get a pair for a realitively good price.
My wife would rather I take the money by a new dining room set to replace and our smaller one. But truth be told, I would happily eat sitting on the floor listening to some 688's. :)