Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.


I'm a Focus Audio dealer, and the orders I had placed a few weeks ago all just shipped from Focus earlier this week, so if you had yours on order for a few weeks, I'm sure you will see them soon...

Just got a call today, dealer has the invoice the f688 where shipped on monday i believe...the waiting is almost over...better get the merlot and some good canadian beer ready!!!!

Jungson JA-88D. Pure class A 80wpc integrated that sells for $1500. I got mine last May. Bound For Sound Magazine just released their review of the amp in the last few weeks.

The verdict from Bound for sound was that it is the best audio electronic value since the early 1980 when NAD introduced the 3020 integrated.

Based on Sound, quality and construction they felt its peers would be the Jeff Rowland Concerto integrated ($5800) or the Gryphon Callisto integrated ($7000).

Andy from can send you a link to the review if your interested.

It really does deliver a very, very good mix of tube and SS sound in one package. Mates very well with the FS688's.
Nick is asking about the new "Classic Series". A less expensive current offering from FA. The 68 you mentioned was the forerunner to 688 and was from the original Signature series.

The Dealer is correct. The 9900 revelator (currently used in the 688) was only used in the $8800 flagship 88 speaker.

The dealer is also correct about the tolerances. Wilson matches its drivers to within 0.5db. Focus Audio matches their drivers within 0.25db.

Doug from Soundstage magazine on one of his posts at AA said in measurements at the NRC, the drivers in the FA688 were the closest matched of any drivers that Soundstage had ever tested. The 788's werent reviewed at the time and I'm sure they would test similar.

From what I have been told FA buys their drivers in batches of 200 then matches them and keeps a record of their results of file. Should a driver ever blow the measurements are on file so the replacement driver would be almost identical.
Hello Philnyc,

Here is a question for you seeing as you are a Focus Audio dealer and a Blue Circle dealer. The Blue Circle CS integrated has always peaked my interest seeing as it is very afordable and has great sonics from what I have from other people. However that fact that it is only 50 watts has always been a bit of a turn off. I know that 50 watts can go a long way, however it aslo can only go SO far before it runs out.

That being said, what do you think about this little guy. How does he sound? How would you compare it to my current amplification (Linn Pretek and an older Bryston 3B). My current amplification does pretty well, its sins are sins of ommision. There is lots of things it could do better, but only one thing that it does badly. Its bass can be a little tubby, that was a common complant with the older brystons up until the ST series.

Does this amp have the power to drive a pair of Focus Audio's. Say a pair of 688's or say some FC-70's? Do you know if it is Class A or AB? really I am just wondering how it sounds and does it have the guts to diliver slam when required? There are no Blue Circle dealers close to me so it would be one of those order whithout hearing items.
