For efficient speakers, how much difference does an amp really make?

I have ascend sierra RAAL tower speakers with 90-93db efficiency and 300W continuous power handling. I’m powering them with dual outlaw M2200 monoblock class AB/G amps rated at 200W into 8 ohms. It sounds good...but i can’t help but wondering if a different amp would provide greater clarity and low-end grunt.

I have been curious about an older adcom amp like the GFA-555 II or perhaps a parasound halo amp like the A23. 

To those who have had multiple amps in your setup, did you find significant sonic differences between amps, or is a subtle thing? I don’t want to start collecting amps, but I don’t want to deny myself the chance to improve my system further. Thoughts?
Mapman- I used to love those tech Hi-Fi catalogs and recently found a few scanned online - great memories of reading those as a teenager and lusting after the top systems with the multi track recording features.

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Use a good tube amp, something similar to the Acin class AB stereo hybrid integrated amplifier 
I like overpowering my speakers always because headroom is a good thing to have when it comes to the sound on the bottom which is extremely difficult to do when you are trying to make the bass notes sound correct I myself am a bass player so I am very critical about that there’s lots of choices
if you have a good dealer that will let you take things home like I do at gig Harbor audio in Gig Harbor Washington they let you try out anything they have on the floor you can bring home I’ve tried lots of amplifiers and I’ve probably owned at least 200 different systems in my life so far I have about six different places where I live and my business it’s a never ending hobby and it is the hobby that will keep me Engaged for the rest of my life