? for ya, Al

Hey, Al, I figured you would know the answer to a question that I have, so here goes. My system sounds best when I conect my sub to my rca pre outs for my left and right front channels, and then connect my amp to the xlr pre outs for my front right and left channels also. I'm wondering if this is bad in any way. When I shut my sub off, I can hear the amp in the sub doing that "fart" shut down noise through my front right and left speakers, so I'm wondering if the amp in my sub is cross talking with my power amp for my speakers in any way. I'm also wondering if havinv both rca's and xlr's connected for my front right and left channels at the same time is degrading the signal coming out of my pre amp in any way. If you are wondering why I don't just hook my sub to the sub pre out on my pre amp, the reason is because then I am forced to cross my speakers over at 80hz and this doesn't sound as good as running my speakers full range and using the crossover in my sub set at 40hz.

My pre amp is a classe ssp 25 and my amp is a classe ca-150, if this helps.

Also, anyone is free to answer this question but I'm sure Al would know, that's why I directed it towards him!
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"Zd542, thanks for pointing that out. But to clarify, do you mean that there is only one signal on the XLR connectors (the "hot" signal on pin 2), and pin 3 is grounded instead of being provided with the inverted or "cold" signal that would normally be provided on a balanced output? Or do you just mean that the internal signal path in the preamp is not balanced?"

I may be misreading your statement, but, wouldn't both of those choices in the above quote mean pretty much the same thing? Its been over 10 years since I had my SSp25 but I remember for sure that pin 2 is hot and if you want to use a XLR to rca adaptor, you need to get one that connects pins 1 and 3. Also, If pin 3 is grounded from the factory, wouldn't that imply that the internal signal path in the preamp is unbalanced, as well? If the OP has the manual, I remember reading that it does say somewhere in it that this is the case. It may be a little vague or hard to find in the literature because most companies like to say that their stuff has balanced inputs/outputs but don't like to point out if the component itself is not fully balanced, as well.


As far as sound quality goes, I thought it was fine for movies. For 2 channel, it depends on how much music you listen to. Its OK for casual listening but you would probably like a high quality 2 channel preamp much better for any serious listening.
Elizabeth and Abucktwoeighty, I appreciate the kind words. Thanks!

Zd542, thanks for the response.
If pin 3 is grounded from the factory, wouldn't that imply that the internal signal path in the preamp is unbalanced, as well?
Yes, but the converse is not by any means necessarily the case, and that is what is in question here. It seems safe to assume that the internal signal path of the preamp is not balanced, but that in itself says nothing about whether pin 3 is grounded or has a signal on it.

A good design that has an unbalanced internal signal path but provides an XLR output will generate a balanced pair of signals in its output stage, with one signal polarity (usually "hot") going to pin 2, and the other polarity (usually "cold") going to pin 3. I suspect that is the case here, which would make all of my earlier comments applicable.
I remember for sure that ... pin 2 is hot and if you want to use a XLR to rca adaptor, you need to get one that connects pins 1 and 3.
That would apply to the XLR input connectors, not to XLR outputs. Adapting an XLR output to RCA would not require connecting pins 1 and 3 (i.e., grounding pin 3) under any circumstances, in part because if a signal is not provided on pin 3 by the component, the component would already be grounding pin 3, assuming the design is not extremely deficient. And also because pin 3 is not needed when adapting an XLR output to an RCA input.

Again, my guess is that the preamp provides a balanced pair of signals to the XLR output connectors, making my earlier comments applicable. But if that guess is wrong, and pin 3 is grounded, the balanced inputs of the power amp would still provide some amount of noise rejection, but to a lesser degree than if a balanced pair of signals were provided on pins 2 and 3. (The reduced noise rejection if pin 3 is grounded would result from the differing output impedances on pins 2 and 3, and from the fact that any noise would be a factor of 2 greater in relation to the voltage difference between the two signal lines). So in that situation my earlier comments would still be somewhat applicable, but the likelihood of the sub's presence making a difference in what is heard through the main speakers would probably be a bit less, since the potential benefits of a balanced interface would be partially nullified even without the sub's presence.

Happy holidays to all! Best regards,
-- Al