Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?

I owned the Tekton Lore Reference for about a year and a half and they were great for the price. I ran them with a 50w tube integrated and it was a nice combo. For $750 I had no complaints except perhaps that the paint was cracking on one of the rounded corners. I ended up buying a pair of Gallo CL-2 for an office system on closeout direct from Gallo for $390/pair. After they were broken in I found myself listening to them more than the Tektons after awhile. I was getting addicted to the CDT tweeter.

Based on that experience I ordered the CL-3 refurbished for $650/pair shipped (crazy steal) and they were on a different level than both of the above. Sonically, one defining moment for me was listening to Joni Mitchell, Both Sides Now. (I think the Track was You’re My Thrill. )
During the intro there is a brief flute soli. With the Tektons it sounded like a really nice flute section that was very homogenous sounding and blended. With the Gallos I could hear each individual flute player and their unique tones and vibrato. The bass was also deeper and tighter on the gallos and the imaging was just amazingly holographic and wide and deep.

I know the timing of this is interesting as the Tekton hype train seems to be at full tilt right now with some of his higher models and I am curious to hear them. The 2 things that would give me serious pause and keep me from moving up the Tekton line are 1) the size and aesthetics 2) The very much "in your face" house sound that can get tiring to me.  Just wondering what others have moved on to from Tekton and what they heard that moved them in that direction.
Malthuse I understand your frustrations , it’s only stereo, we should enjoy it, why get offended , I’ve been there so move on..,,and enjoy.,,Ls50 are very good find as well.,,
Kosst, get a load of Jame’s arrogance, I guess there’s no point talking to a self important know-it-all. And James apparently was some kind of dealer! I’m sure the Rainmakers didn’t suck when he was selling them but that’s beside the point.

James goes from speaker to super expensive speaker and brags about how good they are to only move on to the next “last speaker he’ll ever buy” within a few months. Same with the DI’s. He bragged about how amazing they were on the canuckaudiomart forum, leading others to buy and report having terrible experiences with Tekton’s customer service. Way to go James.  
Owning the DI upgraded version, I find that it is not lacking in bass in the least bit. It could be a bit more defined (upgrades will take care of that) and there could be some refinement that @grannyring mentions but all in all the DI's are very responsive, neutral and transparent at every level from top to bottom. Running 55 watts tube amp has more than enough power at any volume. Soundstage and detail are magnificent so I am guessing I would ask what components are not really giving you what you want in your sound?
To all Tekton impact monitor owners and maybe Double impact owners , I find my Plinius SA 100 amp, is the one I prefer for my monitor, they complement each other very well, musicality, speed ,transient , slam , tonal balance, bass and many more . I used my viva 300p integrated as well, a bit slow compare to Plinius....
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