Hi JD:
Well, I certainly have respect for your tweaks after reading Bob Bundus' remarks. Here is a quote from a site about equipment racks I'd like your opinion on.
[start quote]
" Every material has a resonant frequency which is determined by its mass. Every object or substance converts energy into its resonant frequency and so stores energy. The willingness of a material to resonate cleanly and loudly at one frequency is called its "Q". A low Q is desirable for Hi-Fi furniture as this means the material resonates over a wide frequency band with no one dominate resonance. Metal not only has a high mass, but also a high Q, which is why bells are made of metal, and why it is an unsuitable material for equipment supports." [end quote]
Of the many things in hifi I haven't thought much about this is surely another one. Is the reason the tweak is so pronounced in your system because you are starting with metal racks that need damping? Have you tried the bubble wrap on different racks? I'm curious, have others had great success with metal racks? Does the quote make sense?
I remain,
Well, I certainly have respect for your tweaks after reading Bob Bundus' remarks. Here is a quote from a site about equipment racks I'd like your opinion on.
[start quote]
" Every material has a resonant frequency which is determined by its mass. Every object or substance converts energy into its resonant frequency and so stores energy. The willingness of a material to resonate cleanly and loudly at one frequency is called its "Q". A low Q is desirable for Hi-Fi furniture as this means the material resonates over a wide frequency band with no one dominate resonance. Metal not only has a high mass, but also a high Q, which is why bells are made of metal, and why it is an unsuitable material for equipment supports." [end quote]
Of the many things in hifi I haven't thought much about this is surely another one. Is the reason the tweak is so pronounced in your system because you are starting with metal racks that need damping? Have you tried the bubble wrap on different racks? I'm curious, have others had great success with metal racks? Does the quote make sense?
I remain,