Full circle and thinking about speakers

This all started a couple of months ago by buying a pair of old B&W DM305 speakers and i'm completely new to all of this..
Then a  Rogue Cronus, Nottingham TT w/ a Lyra Cart. Waiting for an EAR phono stage to arrive Monday.
On the digital side - a Pro-ject streamer and Schitt DAC (place holder but it all sounds very decent).
So now I'm back to the speakers, cables and interconnects. I would like something at a level with the other gear - not that the B&W's are bad, they just aren't great.
What I like about the B&W's: clear detailed and focused.
What I don't like: At times the highs are glaringly high and when I expect there to be gobs of bass, there just isn't any to speak of. Jazz trios and quartets sound pretty awesome.  Rock not as good.
Condo life, which means my listening level is on the low side. Wall moving bass is probably not what I am looking for.
Listening space: The room is 14' x 25' and I haven't settled on which direction to arrange speakers. Currently they are projecting across the 14' width. That may very well change.
Any recommendations of where to start the search are highly welcomed. Speaker types, specs etc...as I know very little.
Let's say under 2K and used is fine if it gets me to a higher level.
Thanks  all
@hombre heard you the 1st time around. .Can they stand alone or do they need a subwoofer?
Interesting speaker - Looking at them now
There are scores of terrific speaker manufacturers out there.  Depending on the model and one's inclinations or preferences, B&W is one of them. Magnepan is worthy, also, but, like Tektons, may not appeal to everyone for any number of legitimate reasons.  My wont is to make affirmative  suggestions to folks like the OP without directly or implicitly discouraging particular brands.     
Which Lyra ? I have a condo system built around a TT w Delos. Speakers on long wall. Larger room but not by too much. See Casa Pacifica system pictures for ideas. You have some super gear, you should be able to get great sound.

enjoy the music and the journey 

ad hominem means against the man. My attacks are against the ideology. That you cannot differentiate and think it is all about you is but another aspect of this. In your case it is so deeply ingrained you seem unable to function even slightly outside of it.

Like when you say you will let it pass without further comment, after you get your dig in! Mighty big of you. Kind of thing one would do if they were virtue signaling (you're offensive, but look how good I am!) or narcissistic (world revolves around you) or then again it could all be just your garden variety lack of reasoning and reading skills. Everything in the marketplace is after all competing with everything else. So this adds nothing. Less than nothing, actually, since you water it down with "potentially".

Remember I did ask you to stop. If you keep getting beat up, maybe just stay down.