Furutech Destat or Walker Talisman or both?

What is the best way to get rid of surface static on vinyl.
Who has ever made a comparison between these two products? Or am I wrong to even consider them a choice beween each other, I realize they are two different animals but seem to have similar claims.
I use both and highly recommend them. De Stat also can be used on your gear and cables with very good results also.
I just tried Dan ed's advice. I have an old GENEVA Audio/Video Tape Eraser which I used to use to erase VHS tapes and demagnatize CDs. I listened to Bill Evans Trio, "Waltz for Debby" and Brubeck's "Blue Rondo a la Turk" on Time Out. Then I demagnatized each record by swirling the GENEVA around very slowly and very close to the record surface and then pulled it away and turned it off. I then listened again, and sure enough, there was a very subtle increase in detail across the frequency range. The drum sticks and brush work on the symbals became more clear and distict. It had been a bit tizzy before. Also I heard slightly more body to the bass and harmonics from the strings. The effect was small but noticable. It is definately worth trying and experimenting with.
Glad you found a solution, Peter. I'm glad I could share what I've learned about demag. Remember that you still need to use anti-static, like a Zerostat or DeStat.