Furutech GTX NCF receptical break in, how long

Bought NCF with 6 day burn from seller. I have it burning in last 5 days on 2 cheap power bars with old desk top towers, fans, TiVo box, home theater amps. My amp and Preamp, phono stage and CD player are all tube so I don't use them. Ran system on outlet tonight and no bass, bright, sounds bad. First day with outlet it sounded very nice. Any owners of rhodium outlets can tell me what I'm in for time wise, or what to expect sound wise in next couple weeks, thanks
Hey guys, just wanted to react to things that were said earlier.
A system can indeed sound better at night than during the day or better one day compared to another day quite significantly. 
This has to do with the power itself in your region and how people are using it at the listening moment. The more power is used by the population, the less you have for your hifi, that's really a fact.
Don't take my word, even in the 60's and 70's some recording engineers would prefer to record and mix-down at some moments during the week/day because they definitely heard a difference in the performance of all the analog gear involved.
So basically you take a winter Saturday evening with a football match on TV and also the Foo Fighters playing in a stadium in the next city, well be ready to hear a slight change in your Hifi system. Now you take a (I don't know I'm making it up) let's say a calm Tuesday in July at 22h, It should sound better because the power available to you is just better.
You will hear this effect especially with a high-quality and transparent system. I heard it here. Actually the most obvious is when my neighbours do washing machines, I slightly hear the noise itself cause its vibrating but I swear I'm missing punch and authority in the sound when they use it/them.
A system can indeed sound better at night than during the day or better one day compared to another day quite significantly.This has to do with the power itself in your region and how people are using it at the listening moment. The more power is used by the population, the less you have for your hifi, that's really a fact.
It may be a fact in third-world or developing countries, but certainly not in any industrialized nation, unless there is something badly wrong with your local utility. There is plenty of power to supply everyone. Quantity isn't the problem.
Interesting thread! Thanks for posting your updates in the process.
I have a Furetech GTX-D-rhodium sitting in my drawer. It was in my wall for a while; Very similar experience. I just figured not a good fit, bad synergy, etc, so I swapped back to my glorified Hubbell /PS Audio and the immediate issues went away.
Maybe I should rig up a test fixture for the GTX and install it in about three months.

I have noticed system variability though, and chalk it up to grid; I’m an EE but my forte is PCB design for complex embedded systems; I recall the power factor topic in a power systems class. Someone please refresh me: does power factor at the load vary with changes on the line due to OTHER loads present on the line ( that can come and go analogous to wi-Fi devices coming on/off network) or is it totally dependent only on the loads complex relationship ( reactive behavior) with the immediate incoming power?
When my system goes through a period of “bass light” and lacking in its normal “punch” it feels like the amp is simply starved for current. This happens on the order of a few weeks give or take. I’ve noticed this phenomenon in every system I’ve ever put together in every location ( different houses); one time it was so bad ( at that time I had an Audio Research 100.2 amp) I thought the amp was seriously on the way out... but came back the next day and the music was back again. Bass authority, dynamic drive, and loss of presence, are the triad of characteristics that usually suffer most during these phases of audio life;
This leads me to believe that power factor fluctuations from other loads impinge onto the power amp and wreak havoc when non-ideal. The amplifier’s power supply component impedance has not changed( or does it vary???), nothing else moved, etc...
I have what appears to be, based on reviews and theory, an incoming power conditioner; a P.I. Audio Group UberBUSS; This device has power factor network...looking forward to hearing this in the system.
Cool thread!
I currently have about 20 hours on the GTX-D NCF. It's true that it sounds great during first few hours. It's sounding not very good at the moment with a flat sound and rolled off treble. I can't wait to get this thing past the 500 hours mark. Still a long way to go 😭
It sounds terrible between 20 to 50 hours. I hope it will sound better approaching 100 hours.