Fuses fuses fuses

Ok, this is about fuses

1- a standard Bussman fuse is UL approved. Are any "high end" fuses UL approved?

2- do any component manufacturers supply their gear with any of the usual suspects of high end fuses as opposed to a standard Bussman?

3- let's say fuses do make a difference. Given incoming power is AC, why could fuses be directional? 

Not meaning to light any fires here- 

thanks in advance 
zavato OP802 posts07-26-2017 9:51amSo, who thinks I should delete this thread?

+1 shut it down, as it’s in the "Technical Forum" and there nothing technical being said for why they would be giving better sound or sound different when reversed. It need to be in the Misc Audio forum where anything can be said.

Cheers George
I'll vote to leave it up. Even though the thread is more concise than some other fuse-related threads that have appeared in the past (for example the "Fuses that Matter" thread that began in 2012 went on for 17 pages), arguments and rebuttals have been stated pretty thoroughly on both sides of the directionality issue. Taking it down would just increase the likelihood of a similar thread appearing in the future, with the usual protagonists then having to re-compose the same arguments.

-- Al
If it weren’t for threads like fuse threads neither side would have much to debate. Sometimes it’s good to release all that pent up emotion. 😀 Long live fuse threads and all the other threads that threaten complacent and contended audiophiles. As I keep saying if you really want to see some fireworks just wait’ll ya get a load of some tweaks that are really controversial. Then you’ll see the fur fly! Fuses threads like this one have been around like forever, at least 15 years. Get used to it. If ya can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

made the scene
day to day week to week hour to hour
the river is deep and wide 
break on through to the other side
hey, hey, hey, hey!
I have not had a fuse blow ever in a modern piece of high-end audio gear. I conclude the need for fuses is overblown. One should simply replace the fuse and fuse holder with a nice silver conductor. The SQ should improve dramatically. Just saying...