Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
Rodman99999, for some reason the HiFi Tuning Supremes seem much more sensitive to direction. You have a 550/50 chance to get it right with every fuse, of course. I thought I had them in the right direction in my amps, but when I reversed them, the change was shockingly better. If it is easy, I would urge you to try it.

Lacee, I used IsoClean fuses for several years. IMHO, yes there is a new kid on the block.
Hi Al- Sorry I missed your comments. I've found this thread WAY too tedious, to try to follow. Unless I've missed something, since my time at Case Institute; no one has yet actually observed electrons on the quantum level. That leaves Electrical Theory, still theory. No one has yet seen electrons tranverse the chevron shaped crystal barriers in drawn metals, or- if there is a noticeable/quantifiable effect, with regards to their direction. No one yet knows how/what to measure, with regards to the very complex musical signals our equipment is manipulating, and obtaining the best reproduction of ambient info, sound stage(depth/width/height), image specificity, etc. Of course, we do know; the cleaner(blacker) the background- the better the resolution. Nothing I've found has resulted in greater returns, in this regard, than tweaking power supplies(over 30yrs now). It's been my experience, that the better everything before and after these fuses(ie: fast/soft recovery rectifiers/high filter capacity/dedicated 4AWG circuits/carefully selected PCs/decent power purifier for lower current draw components): the more obvious the benefits of these special fuses. BTW: I'm of the camp that holds the power supply as being directly in the signal path. To me; any gain device(transistor or tube, that is) is a switch(or valve), turned on/off(controlled) by the incoming signal and modulating the voltage/current from the power supply, to the following gain stage or speakers. Just my way of thinking($0.02) Best regards- Al
Rodman99999, Power supply is in the output stage to some degree. When power supply has no load regulation and amplifier has zero feedback then performance of the power supply (including inductance and ESR of big caps, resistance of the fuses etc.) plays part. Amp's negative feedback of 40dB would reduce this effect 100 times while regulated power supply would make it at least another 100 times better, and that's what is inside of my amp - at least 10,000 times reduction of power supply effects. As Al stated - don't look for any scientific explanation of the fuses. It is sort of "audio magic" thing. We don't even know if 3A Hi-Fi fuse is not really 3.5 or 4A standard fuse since AFAIK there is no test or approval of any agency. I wonder if datasheet, showing performance curves is available. I doubt that silver has lowest resistance times melting temperature factor since fuse companies developed special alloys (often lead&tin sometimes with cadmium and small amounts of bismuth and silver). I also don't know how gold plating improves things, since gold is relatively poor conductor. Another thing is directionality of resistance. Somebody suggested that direction that wire was drawn is causing it. I conducted test, a while ago, on spool of about 4000' of wire and resistance was identical, as far as I could measure with 6 digit Multimeter.
Has anyone here observed a clear difference in sound by reversing fuse directions back and forth immediately after initial installation?? It seems possible that after being conditioned by a load in one direction for a while and then reversing so the load is now going against the ‘conditioning’ or ‘break-in’ - the resulting effect sounds better to many. This matches my experience with the Supreme fuses since I didn’t hear any directional difference on day one, but did after reversing the preamp fuse a couple weeks later.