fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Mine is with real world audio components Geoff. Almost 50 years now.

To compare my knowledge with a clock and rock salesman is really disingenuous.

If the readership had to choose between the two of us for advice, I believe it would be a easy and quick decision.
Yes, There ARE real reasons for most cables to sound....different. Measureables such as capacitance and resistance are associated with either HF rolloff or loss of bass control...IE, reduced damping factor.
I use all Beldon / fabricated by Bluejeans Cable. They feature good prices, build quality and prompt delivery.
Just for example, when I read the 'science' behind some of the AudioQuest product, I want to laugh.
Thanks, Audiofeil for issuing the Good Captain a minor correction.
Now, if someone could come up with a plausible, even pseudo-scientific reason for a fuse to sound 'better', I'd be willing to listen and research.
Magfan, "noise/ripple" doesn't do it for you.

P.S. Audiofeil is one of the most knowledgable, honest folks I know "in" the industry.

P.S.S. While I have my doubts about the efficacy of the fuses, if Albert Porter says he hears a difference (for thebetter?)I'd give that due weight and serious consideration.
Yeah we are all nuts until Albert Porter enigma of audiogon says so... I will go with that thanks :-) I respect his system and contribution to the site, however if thats what it takes to wake somebody up so be it.

Give me a break this is not rocket science, nor does audio need numbers to support it as such if you have not learned by now the trial and errors on your own have shown you many things, I mean tweaks of Magic rocks, and clocks are pretty insane no doubt, I won't even swallow that, but this fuse thing is not so unreal that people should reject the fact a simple power supplying device can be done better as supposedly Isoclean and hifi tuning has attempted to do..

Weird as I can see why people would fight on some things, but this one seems like more time and money has been wasted worrying about it than ordering a single fuse to give it a shot.. Yeah you will spend the money you could have spent on 2 more CD's, its kinda like oh well..

Albert has gone to the extreme with an extreme system and has probably more money on these fuses than most have in their cables and sources combined!
Magfan, have you tried cables made of different materials? Silver cable sounds differently to my ears than copper cable. If you agree to this, then the rest is obvious.

The speakers are really powered by B+. The audio signal controls how B+ is transferred to the speakers. So any sonic signature in the B+ will be carried to the speakers.

The material used in regular fuses don't sound good to the ears. That's why some folks bypassed them. (Not a good idea though.) So if these fuses are coated with some nice materials like silver and gold, they can improve sound to human ears, well at least to some of the human ears.

Some part of science is observing the behavior in the world and then try to find theory to examine them. In other words, if one always uses what he/she knows in the past to judge new behaviors, the science would not have come this far.....

vett93 (Ph.D. in EE)