fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Mt T- To me music is the ONLY thing that matters, anything else is secondary. That's been the case since I was a teenager learning to play guitar and operate sound equipment. In my way of thinking(reasoning or logic)- If my system doesn't provide an accurate representation of what went on at the recording event(music and venue), I need to find out why and correct it. Yes- I do remember you and your son. My system has drastically evolved since your visit, and I think of you(wondering what your reaction would now be) whenever I play the 'Dead Can Dance' cuts that you so enjoyed then. I do believe your jaw would drop now.
I don't see the connection between one thinking DBT may be a valid form of evaluating differences (I'm not claiming it is or isn't - don't know) and "the everything-sounds-the-same affinity". I don't think everything sounds the same, not in the least, but I also think somethings don't make a difference. One wonders if it is possible for something not to make a difference and yet many may claim to hear a (significant, worthwhile)difference. How does one account for that? I don't know, but I suspect it happens and there is apparently no scientific way to prove it.

Too bad we can't tell from the manner in which an opinion is given whether or not the opinion has any value beyond that of a classic testimonial. Some folks seem to be pre-disposed to hearing differences embodied in most tweaks and some think all tweaks are ineffective, for what ever reason. Some times folks think DBT's tell all and they don't. But just becauce they don't some folks feel that gives them the upper ground when making purely subjective opinions.

The only up side benefit of hearing all of the endless (so it seems at times) discussion between the advocates and the nay-sayers is that folks who are capable of independent thought quickly learn who the assholes are and, in the future, save the time that they would have expended reading their posts.

For my part, if I want to hear if a tweak works I'll buy it and see for myself. If I think it won't make a difference I won't waste my time just because some self proclaimed expert sez I'm deaf, dumb, or underequipped, nor will I feel obliged to announce to the world my lack of appreciation if I do try it, unless of course the source of the opinion is a merchant trying to perpetuate a fraud on the unsuspecting merchant.

Too judgmental by a mile, perhaps even unwarranted, but the devil made me do it........:-)
Here we go again! If you don't try it for yourself- How will you EVER know, or be able to offer a valid opinion? VERY simple! These threads can end up so much like a Mobius Strip(or perhaps 8 track tape would be more apropos).
Rodman99999, Love the reference to an 8 track tape. Completely worthless. You didn't miss my point at all, did you.