So calling people "snake oil saleman shilling their fraudulent claims" is not rude and insulting? Those that actually listen know you are the shill to promote your perception that "measurements rule". You don’t get any money for your stating your opinion.....but you get to make others wrong and therefore get to beat on your chest. The behavior is quite immature. ......However, you are not your behavior. As your mother and your father I love you with all my heart as you are divine, worthy, deserving the best and full of beauty. However, your actions do not reflect the truth about a good parent would say.....I love you, I cherish you....I adore you......but that behavior is not, GO TO YOUR ROOM.......and when you come out.....don’t do that is bad behavior......and you are better....yes, way better than that.
Stating measurements is fine.....but thinking you know something about how something sounds by stating them is nonsense......and thinking that everyone is like you and bases all their purchases on equally nonsense. We HAVE EARS. We believe what we hear. I have a new product.....a speaker rf filter (I call it the Music Purifier....because that is what it does.......lowers audible distortion and noise). It is a filter you put on the speaker terminals that filters the sound WAY above 100K......way away from the audio band. It is can put it on a scope and see the frequency where it starts to roll is that sense. However, why would filtering your speaker wire at such a high frequency have anything to do with how your system sounds? Who cares!!!?!!! Does it lower audible noise and distortion....yes, it does. How do you know? simply put it on and listen......if you do not get any sonic benefit you send it back for a full refund and I will even pay you the return shipping not one cent lost to try it.
Kuirbo is now rolling his eyes....saying "There he goes again....the snake oil saleman is shilling his fradualent claim wares" the unsuspecting and gullible masses (you know those with "expectation bias".....who will "think" the product does what I say and keep it).
He he...what a game we play
This game will always be here on this plane of existence.....people will argue and state that their side is the right side and the other side are the infidels...or heathens or devils or snake oil saleman or whatever. We all have brains....we all have a heart. When you use common sense and trust your will know what things actually improve your sound and which do not. Can you trust your ability to hear? I wish you all self trust......and mostly.....self love.