GaN amps: Peachtree or LSA Voyager?

Peachtree 400 and LSA Voyager GaN amps: Does anyone have direct experience with both of these amps? Can you comment on any differences that might exist in sound? I know the internals are supposed to be the same but even if that is true implementation can make a difference. Both are highly regarded by those who own them.

Might also be helpful if you listed the rest of your system (Pre and speakers).

My current system is: Bricasti M3 DAC; Rogue RP-7 (NOS) pre; Bel Canto Ref600M amps; Fyne F1-8 speakers.

Thanks in advance!


The A/Bs I'm talking about are the Van Alstine DVA M225 monos. Surely you know Frank and his products. Care to comment on his matching GBP to feedback?

There's no way to tell from the information on the web. But I can tell you this: in conventional class AB amps the distortion numbers you need to see have to be quite low (0.000x), because higher ordered harmonics are a common thing in AB circuits. About the only way you can mask their presence since the lower orders are not available for this is for the distortion to be below -105dB! That means a lot of feedback, something quite challenging to achieve in an AB design. If the amp does not meet this criteria, its likely to have brightness.


Is there a reference for the -105db? That sounds excessive. Do you mean at a single frequency or all frequencies (I assume 10KHz and under?). I see an often quoted limit of 0.1% as being the absolute lowest than can be detected, and I think normally much higher.

I see an often quoted limit of 0.1% as being the absolute lowest than can be detected, and I think normally much higher.

@deludedaudiophile If that were primarily lower ordered harmonics that could well be true.

But otherwise that statement is false. The problem, frequently ignored, is that the ear uses the higher ordered harmonics (5th and above) to sense sound pressure. Keeping in mind of course that the ear has about a 130dB range!! -so its keenly sensitive to these harmonics! It also assigns tonality to all forms of distortion.

The higher orders can be only 0.01% or even 0.005%; if not masked by the lower orders, they will cause harshness and brightness. We've been hearing this in solid state amps for the last 60 years, so there are literally millions of references on the web!

We've known since the 1930s how sensitive the ear is to the higher orders (see Radiotron Designer's Handbook, 3rd edition). Its also very easy to demonstrate with very simple test equipment that the ear indeed uses the higher orders to sense sound pressure.

For the most part class AB solid state designs have ignored these facts in pursuit of the almighty dollar over the last 60 years. Of course, back in the 1960-1980s the semiconductors needed to overcome the problem simply didn't exist (and it seems the will to design something properly didn't exist either...). Instead, propaganda was generated to make you think you were hearing something 'neutral'. But its the Emperor's New Clothes; the simple fact is that brightness and harshness is a coloration- its not neutral.


One thing I don't understand from much of the above discussion....  Is it not possible with both Class d and Class A/B amps to engineer the amp to the lowest possible distortion and then add back enough 2nd and 3rd harmonics to give the amp the degree of musicality desired?  And if so, could a "distortion" dial be added to allow the user to fine tune the sound to their liking?