Garry Shandling RIP

Comedian, actor and audiophile Garry Shandling has passed away. Met him one time, talked about his Wilson / VTL system. Great guy. 
I agree with ebm on this. I always looked forward to The Larry Sanders Show on HBO. It was one of a kind and Garry Shandling was perfect in the role. RIP Gary Shandling.
Totally bummed to learn of his passing last week.  I can't understand why The Larry Sanders Show isn't in reruns somewhere on cable - a truly groundbreaking,  original,  superbly written and performed example of ensemble television.  I believe this show set the bar for comedy on cable and hasn't been matched or topped yet.  

If anyone could make the afterlife funny and entertaining with wit and intelligence it would be him.  Unfortunately I'll have to wait a while to see that happen.  Thanks Garry - peace.

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