Getting FM from my speakers without a receiver???

Spinning some vinyl today and between cleanings I had my ear close to the speaker. I was shocked to hear a local FM radio station coming out of the speakers ???? No I do not have a receiver. If this pure RF bleeding in? WTF?
I hope this can be eliminated. Any ideas?
I had to get rid of all my amalgam fillings for this very reason.

Congrats on tracking it down. The better cable suggestion should show a result.

The AM band is fairly long wavelengths, so I'm sure that changing 'antenna' orientation would help, but that should also be tried.
You could also try secondary shielding OVER the offending cables. Ground it at only 1 end.
Bad amalgam fillings you say? Would be cheaper to replace analog gear than pay $$ to my hi end dentist. I am researching wiring upgrade presently and that route sounds like it would improve the sound quality anyway.
The station is Fm and they do not broadcast a duplicate signal on Am to my knowledge.
What could I place over cables to shield them?
Do you have any gear with a switching powersupply?
Such power supplies operate NEAR Intermediate Frequencies of both FM (some) and more common AM radios. I have no basis for thinking this could actually happen.
As for shielding, a better cable would work better than either copper foil or mesh around wires. It would be a mess to boot.

Have you tried a power conditioner? This goes back to my first line in this post... It may be coming in over the power lines, though the phono pre seems 'the magic bullet' .

post if you find the final root cause / solution
Yes, all gear is connected thru an APc power conditioner.
Thinking about a wiring upgrade for the Basis TT, since this would improve the sound and perhaps provide shielding that is not on the current cable.