Getting New Panasonic ST30 Plasma TV

Hi, getting a new Panasonic 46 inch. What should I be aware of with a new plasma? As far as setup and play is concerned, are there any do's and dont's? Any of you have experience with one of the 2011 Panasonic plasma tv's? Thanks
Check this link:

It is a review of the 50" version of your Plasma. I recently purchased the 55" version in this series. The review includes recommended settings for this set. I have applied those settings and I am very pleased with the results.

Although the review I linked you to does criticize this TV for motion artifacts, I have not noticed them at all, and I replaced a standard definition RPTV with this plasma, so I thought motion artifacts on my first high def set would be very obvious. My only complaint is some false contouring, but I think that may be from my AVR's upconversion of 480p DVDs. I do not yet have a BRDP. My only high def source is FiOS, and the picture is spectacular. But, I am an audiophile, not a videophile, so take my comments for what they're worth.

Enjoy the new TV!
Get a HDMI from Monoprice if you are using one, you will get a better picture. I use a much more expensive one which is better still but Monoprice is a great bargain. Conditioners can often make a difference,I had my 50" Panasonic on my Tice Power Block before I sold it and then switched to a Brickwall, which offers protection but no filtering. Yesterday I changed it for my PS Audio Quintet and heard an improvement in the sound into my HT setup. More striking was the improvement in picture quality, which my wife, who is no audiophile/videophile noticed right away.
It is very important that during the first 100 hours of use that you use a burn in disc like this: If you do this it will avoid the likelihood of screen burn in in the future. Plus if you plan on having the tv prof calibrated, you need to wait at least for the 100 hours before the tv breaks in.
borrow or buy a calibration disc, I could not believe the improvement to my set when done right (for starters turn the sharpness all the way down)

Thanks you all. I've done some research and have a hdmi from Monoprice. I'll try the burn in disc and consider the calibration disc too.