Gingko Isolation platforms

Have any of you tried them? They look incredible, especially for the cost. Do any of you use isolation under your tube gear or TT?
LOL... I don't have buckets of anything, lol. I have used sorbothane pucks in the past on my tube gear and they worked well. Whenever I've tried home made vibration devices, I've lost bass or soundstaging etc.... I think that there is something to them tuning them to specific frequencies. Heck, I work with wood and can easily make a Mapleshade shelf and I may do that still for some other components.

Elizabeth, you don't find that you lose something by using the stoppers? Just curious. Thanks.
I think there is this knee-jerk assumption by audiophiles that components can't sit on their own feet. As you have experienced, adding aftermarket footers can cause you to lose bass or whatever. If the system is muddy, this can be a blessing, but I personally believe that most people who actually listen to music would prefer a system with a bit more "padding" or richness in the lower end. As you are doing, you have to try them and decide if they are genuinely making the listening experience more pleasurable on the whole.
If you want to optimize the Gingko idea then be sure to check out Herbie's Audio Lab website where the replacement "Medicinball" is made available to do even better than the Gingko originals. Also, a wealth of other effective support ideas are on this site.

Meanwhile, the art of isolation has moved on to ever newer options, including one from Machina Dynamica that may well provide the best benefit at an affordable cost. This is what I currently use under my tube and solid state components, as well as beneath the wood platform supporting my turntable.
Quite impressive.

Good isolation enables the potential of a component to emerge at its best, and there are many ideas and controversies regarding how to reduce negative effects of vibrations (great and small) upon components and the listening environment.
Honestly, I have an old small stand that I can use to put my TT out. That's why I am looking. I never use anything under my SS stuff to be honest. I have a good cabinet with decent wooden shelves that are fine. I need the platform for this small stand as the shelves are very thin particle board I bet. I'll check out that site you referred me to. I liked the technical data I saw on the Gingko and that's why I like it right now, plus they are used at my audio store I am using now. It doesn't get in the way of the bass and since the TT will be close to the speakers, I don't have a choice. I think there are lot's of choices and some look ridiculous and some are simple and probably do a good job.
Im sure its good SYMPOSIUM ULTRA is better with better imaging ,better stage,better bass and a more even sound.