Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
There’s no denying the tenacity of Nikola….
Here we have an esoteric cartridge Thread begun by Dgob (no slouch in the perseverance stakes himself) which may well have died from lack of contributors were it not for the surprising intervention of Nandric?
Surprising…in that he himself had no experience with the topic at hand….nor was he to gain any for almost the entire duration of the Thread?

Floundering initially in the vacuum he found himself…….Dgob kept plugging away, enticing us with tales of myth and promise and begging for responses…information….contributions.
And then came Nikola….into the fray at first like some tentative Dutchman…….but gently and increasingly displaying his Slavic origins by somehow managing to contribute readable posts without offering the qualifications one normally requires of a ‘mentor’?

Sucked in by this audacity…..others….. also suitably unqualified enough to speak….found their tongues and so the Thread survived.
Still prodded back to life by Dgob however, whenever it seemed to collapse under its own lack of substance…..until out of the gloom (and without fanfare of any kind) dropped a post by Vetterone who, like Dgob, actually had heard and owned some Glanz cartridges.
To Nikola…this was just what he needed. Validation from an expert practitioner in the field of analogue……
And so the quest began in earnest for Nandric to acquire these ‘unicorn’ cartridges for himself. And in this he was successful to the tune of four different models….

And why, you may ask… I summarise all this for the patient, baffled readers still wondering why they continue to read about cartridges they have never seen nor heard and are unlikely ever to do?
Because dear readers……I now have all four of those Glanz cartridges belonging to Nandric.
Look well dear readers at these cartridges, for you are unlikely ever to see so many Glanzs (Glanzae? Glanzi?) in the one place at the one time?
Nandric wanted me to hear these mythical beasts and give my opinions.
So…for what it’s worth, here it is…….

The G5 (M5 stylus) with its sexy chromed integral headshell was initially mounted in one of my Fidelity Research FR-66s 12” tonearms on the Raven AC-2 turntable whilst the MFG-31L, MFG-51L and MFG-71L were all mounted in wood headshells on the SAEC-8000/ST tonearm on the nude Victor TT-101 DD turntable.
After suitable run-in times for all cartridges…..listening began.
At first it was almost impossible to distinguish between the 31L, 51L and 71L….so alike were their sounds.
This is unsurprising when one studies the specifications of each cartridge to discover that they are to all intents and purposes identical?

Dgob began this Thread by focusing on the G5 integral headshell model and continued with his enthusiasm….eventually including the G7, also an integral headshell design.
I found the G5 to be a pleasant but unremarkable cartridge….very dependent on tonearm matching (it sounded fine in the FR-66s tonearm but in the Micro Seiki MA-505s the sound became recessed and boring with a loss of bass slam and an overall lethargy to the music).

The ‘normal’ Glanzs were rather more convincing in their overall presentation with a better refined frequency extension.
The bottom depth does not compete with the ‘hard-hitters’ in my collection…..but I can certainly live with the smooth, unfussed beauty they provide.
I was able to pick up some slight differences in the three models with my preference going to the MFG-51L over the MFG-31L.
The MFG-71L strangely enough…..was my least favourite….although I stress again the differences were subtle in the extreme.

Had I heard these cartridges a year or so ago……I would have ranked them quite highly but recently I have acquired some samples (all MMs)…..which have raised the bar and revealed a presentation and information extraction that has shocked and delighted me…..

Nevertheless…..I kept the Glanz MFG-51L and sent Nandric a pristine example of an AT-155Lc cartridge complete with its original square shank, nude mounted line contact stylus on its beryllium cantilever for transplanting into his Signet TK-7LCa.
It will be interesting to hear his views on that compared to the Glanz G5?

"Dgob began this Thread by focusing on the G5 integral headshell model and continued with his enthusiasm….eventually including the G7, also an integral headshell design.
I found the G5 to be a pleasant but unremarkable cartridge….very dependent on tonearm matching."

Thanks for your feedback and impressions. I would (as I have) recommend that you try the G5 or G7 in an Audiocraft AC3300 LB. My delight arose from that setting and - obviously - my experience is very different to the one you seem to have endured. I have recently had the opportunity to compare my Glanz to a new Audio Technica AT150 ANV (which I picked up for an obscenely low price) and my assessment of the former remains undoubtedly positive: so my 'enthusiasm' goes on unabated. Maybe I am looking for a degree of fidelity that differs to your target or our systems reveal different virtues.

Large world/many views, so it's great to hear that you are still enjoying your DIY Signet and some other samples. I hope they continue to bring you happiness.

As always...

Sorry, I have very little time these days and so did not correctly read all of your latest post:

"I was able to pick up some slight differences in the three models with my preference going to the MFG-51L over the MFG-31L. The MFG-71L strangely enough…..was my least favourite….although I stress again the differences were subtle in the extreme."

I am not certain about the state of the cartridges that you tested or the overall synergy that you managed to obtain with your system. However, honestly, this is as far away from the experience with the two cartridges that you note me referencing (the G5 and G7), as to be unr3ecognisable. In fact, these cartridges are so distinct in performance and (obviously) design that they could easily give the impression that they were designed by two distinct companies. If your G5 is in complete working order, I can only suggest you persevere until you have managed to get the best out of it. I have no financial or personal gain in this but I am certain that your referenced "big hitters" will have a high class neighbour once you move it into the correct environment. As for bass control on the G5 - compare it to the AT150 ANV or the magnificent Technics 100Mk4 and let me know what you think!

If you can, persevere

As always...
Halcro - since you guys brought it up, I hope this isn't too far off-topic but having recently acquiring a Signet TK7Ea body, I'm about to find out for myself just how good your TK7*a/ATN155LC combination sounds in my system. I haven't done any comparisons yet but would you say this hybrid combo sounds better than the AT155LC itself? I'm planning on doing some comparisons between the two and will be throwing an AT7V/ATN155LC combo into the mix just for kicks.

I’m sorry if my impressions appear to be negative?
That was not my intent…..nor is it accurate.
I found the G5 to be “unremarkable” in that it’s presentation revealed nothing that was not available from a number of my finest cartridges.
This is not a ‘condemnation’ of the G5… it is being compared to the ‘crème de la crème’ of my selected collection.
I do find the AT150 ANV to be more detailed, transparent and convincing in its overall presentation than the G5……but this is to be expected from a Signet TK-7LCa ‘wannabe’ :-)
Where the 150ANV loses out to its illustrious predecessor IMHO… is in its emotional content.
The ability of some cartridges to suspend belief…and draw you in to the performance is akin to alchemy?
How do they do it?
Whilst it may be an ‘emphasis’ in the 40Hz region that makes one cartridge appear to delve deeper than another and a ‘peak’ in the 10K Hz range that delivers perceived ‘air’ or ‘detail’…….how does one explain with science….the way one cartridge can startle and amaze?
How can one cartridge deliver the performers into the room whilst another ‘wallpapers’ with a flat presentation?
How does one cartridge seem effortless and ‘alive’ whilst another seems to strain under its onerous duties?

I’m not sure Dgob whether you have spent much time with the ‘normal’ Glanzs……the MFG-31L, 51L and 71L?…….but it was to them I was referring in their ‘likeness’ to one another.
The G5 was easily distinguishable but I have not heard a G7 to enable comparisons?

As you rightly observe…..there are many views, tastes, preferences and system differences to explain our varying experiences and all each of us can do is find the path that individually suits.
I don’t for instance, find the AT150 ANV particularly impressive in the “bass control” or ‘depth’ region….nor do I find the Technics EPC100Mk3 any competition for the real champs ‘down there’?
But then again…..I find the EPC100Mk3 to be one of the most boring cartridges I have heard.
So concerned was I about this fact after reading the eulogies heaped of the 100Mk4….that I sent my 100Mk3 to Axel Schuerholz to check its functions.
It was returned as “working flawlessly”………
I don’t personally know the differences between the 100Mk3 and 100Mk4…..but a trusted former contributor called Travis Lundy (Tbone) has both models and loves his 100Mk3?

The audio world is a vast territory with a tiny subspecies of lunatics devoted to analogue and an ever smaller sub-culture of these who are obsessed with cartridges/styli/cantilevers.
I genuinely thank you for bringing the elusive Glanz cartridges to our notice and it has resulted in the very fine MFG-51L joining my select collection.

Kind Regards