Gon bonkers with def tech...help..

Currently using these for a 70/30 ht/music set up. 7004 towers, 2 sets of bps 2x for surrounds, 2300 clr center and super cube II. I have received some great info on the gon re speaker adjust, bass mgtmnt, sound staging etc. Since my initial set up and not knowing much, i have used the info and noticed great improvement in overall dynamics and sound quality.

Here is my question. I have noticed that, well, many Goners consider these more like a double cheese burger at mcdonalds than a steak at Mortons. NOW, its starting to get in my head. Am i missing out big time with these speakers? Did my local audio guy totally point me in the wrong direction?? Is it their design that Goners dont like or just the sound in general? I did spend $4200 for this set up, not alot of $$ to most but alot to me, so i mean they cant be that bad right? Any insight would be greatly appreciated
For the money you have to spend, the Definitive Technology speakers are really nice. I don't think that you were steered wrong, don't worry about what audiophiles with bigger budgets or anyone else thinks.

I used to have a setup like yours years ago, the only regret that I have about it is, for me personally, I wish that I had all of the money that I spent for everything and spent it on a much better stereo.

IMO, having a really, really good stereo and then hooking your DVD up to it lights my fire more than all of the surround sound. But that's me, and like most people, I bought some here and added the rest later as the money became available.
How does it sound to you ?

If you are happy with it, then that is all that matters.

Keep what you currently have and maybe later on down the road you can upgrade to something else, but for now at least you have a starting point.
The steak will cost you many thousands more, do you not like the sound?

The audio dealer probably is pushing that line of speaker. If you can find a dealer that picks what they like to sell, you'll have a better shot at getting something that is a great value.
Yea if you are at 70/30 HT heavy, then the DEFS are a great choice, if music were the biggest deal that might be a diffrent road but as it is I think you got a great thing goin for you...dont sweat the small stuff ENJOY MATERIAL!
Muzikat and SoGood are totally correct ... if you enjoy what you're hearing, give up on the doubt stuff. There will ALWAYS be something better, whether because of a cable, an outlet, an amp or speakers ... this game is NEVER over. If you get a thrill from what you're hearing, sit back and enjoy it.