Good cartridges for a Rega RP6?

I'm thinking of maybe an Ortofon 2M blue or a Nagaoka MP200.

Tracking and low noise are priorities.

Any comments welcome.
Having tried both on my Planar 3 with ADC LFT carbon-fiber low mass arm, I found the Ortofon perhaps a bit better tracker, but
the MP200 better sounding ,at least on the Classical music I listen to on vinyl.
After only two listening sessions, I am absolutely thrilled about the sound of music with my new Nagaoka MP-150 cartridge on my Rega P3-24 table.
I use a Nagaoka MP200 on my REGA P3/24 w/groovetracer upgrades. It is big and warm and detailed. Pretty amazing for Jazz...pretty dam good for rock too.I have had no tracking issiues with this cart on my RB301 arm. RP6 is a nice table could go with just about any cartridge.....How about a LOW output MC? Like a Dynavector 20x. Or you could throw a Ortofon 2M Black on there! These are the level of cartridges I would be looking at. Not $250 ones. IMHO that is.