Good match for PassLabs Pre X2.5

Hi all,

Besides, Passlabs own power amps, what power amps from other makeers would be a good match to Pass X2.5 pre?

Many Thanks!

Try a Rowland Model 2. The Pass X2.5 has a high gain in balanced mode, the Rowland has hi/lo adjustable gain, allowing you to listen at very low levels, at night.
This is important to some listeners, like me.
I used an X2.5 with Bel Canto's Evo power amp with good results. It sounded best in balanced mode, but has extra gain. My main complaint with the X2.5 was that the volume steps at 3 dB each were just too much. It was either too soft or too loud.

I listen at lower volumes in the evening and getting the exact setting I wanted was very difficult. I had no complaints about the sound.
Thanks for the suggestion

I read the X2.5 manual, it has two ways of adjusting the volume, it is the Mode Buttons and the other one is the traditional volume knob. Do you mean both volume steps are set at 3db?

or could the too soft or loud problem related with the impedance matching of the X2.5 to Evo?

Thank you.