Another vote here for the Furutech GTX-D NCF(R) outlets. I found very favorable sonic improvement of this outlet over a few other audiophile grade outlets.
Regarding the ability to daisy chain from one Furutech to another, there are two sets of lugs to wire to on each unit. A better way to extend to a second outlet would be to pigtail separate leads to each outlet in the same box, or to extend the circuit to a separate box. This way a loose connection does not affect downstream outlets. Just did this on 1000’ of romex for four separate circuits and 22 outlets in my basement at the recommendation of my electrician. If there is a problem with a loose connection for an outlet it will be at the outlet instead of the possibility of an upstream connection.
Admittedly, the Furutech outlet doesn’t have the tightest connection. But the sonic improvement easily offsets that.