Good Pre-Amps For McIntosh

Any suggestions for a "synergistic" combination between McIntosh MC 601 monoblocks? I have some pre-amp problems and am thinking of replacing the pre-amp.

Stick with a McIntosh pre-amp? Go with something else? Tube or solid-state? The input impedance on the 601's is 22K. Speakers are Revels Ultima Salon 2's with a pair of Rel Subs.


If you hate McIntosh there's really no need to post. Heck, I already know that I'm an uncultured idiot who can't hear real sound and wasted my money etc. I originally wanted the Levinson 53's, but they were out of my range. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xnab2
I am a pretty big fan of the Mc C22. A bit below your budget but it is an impressive unit. I like it better than the PS Audio BHK which I have owned and the phono stage in the C22 is far better than it should be. 
The PS Audio BHK is an interesting unit. Some people might prefer it to the C22 Don’t even plug it in with the stock tubes. But a pair of NOS Tunsgrams will bring it to life. I like the C22 better but could see where someone would prefer the BHK as it is probably a hair...cleaner sounding.

If you are considering CJ, I would encourage you to check out the Art Audio Conductor. To be clear, I import this line so I am biased but in the same token, the brand has been around for 30 years and is pretty good sounding. It is single ended, has a great headphone amp. 
I have a couple of customers who have older versions of our preamps paired with Mc amps and it sounds great. 
What is interesting that the gain is adjustable and can be tailored to whatever levels you like. It ships standard with 0dB and 25dB. The 0dB pairs with the amp and the 25dB for the headphone amp. But this could easily be tailored to 6dB or 12dB and 25dB if you like or really any other value. 
I have a demo in the US and will be showing it at Capital Audiofest. That unit will be sold after the show so I can bring in Conductor Simply2 for AXPONA.

If you want an equalizer, have you looked at the Roon Nucleus+? It had a really robust DSP/equalizer built in. You can set what frequencies you want to adjust across the audio spectrum. It is really cool.

I have had McIntosh pre/pro’s with Mc amps MC7205, MC352 and now Mc402, and switched to a Audio Research Ls-26 and now a Ref5se and am much happier with the ARC pre-amp sound. Although I have been considering Ayre but haven’t yet.
You can find the ARC 6 for under 10k used and it really is a huge jump in performance. 
If you don't want a Mac preamp I can suggest two that work well with my MC75 mono's.   I have just purchased a PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier, it's really brought my system to life.  Also I've had experience with Quicksilver audio line preamp.   Both very high quality. 
I have the 452 Amp with a 2500 preamp. 
Recently added the Audio Research CD 9 and love the sound. 
Been thinking about a Ref 5SE or a Ref 6.
Also have the Revel Salon Ultimate 2.
Soundstage is the best ever.