Good transport for under 1K?

I went ahead and got a good DAC (HOLO Spring), and I wanted to pair it with a good cd transport for my redbook collection.   There are so few on the market nowadays.  I only know of the Cambridge CXC.  I prefer new gear, so if anyone can suggest one I’d be very grateful.

Thanks. I forgot to mention my Rotel rc1590, with built in dac. So, I’d put your device between the two?  Thanks
Steve,  Thanks, I read up in this Synchro-Mesh component you make.  Very interesting stuff I never knew about how these things work.  Is this product made by many other brands, or are you pretty much the only one sells them?  Looks like a great product I could use, but between the cost of the DAC, transport, cables..  It's just a little out of my price range for the cd playing section of my system.