Got BAT VK-60 what?

Recently, I bought a BAT VK-60 - which in fact, didn't even arrive, yet - but I'm already eager to persue further upgrades.
My current system is : AP Virgo, Sim Audio Moon I-5 integrated, Rega Planet CDP, Audio Analysis Silver Oval 9 speaker cable, HT ProSil mkII ICs.
Temporarily, I plan to run the I-5 as pre amp, but eventually I'd like to replace it with a 'real' pre amp. An obvious choice would be a BAT pre and I did already some research here on A'gon and Audio Asylum, but quite frankly this left me a bit confused. There are tons of different models (VK3i, VK30, VK30SE, VK5i, VK50, VK50SE...) and I simply wondered which one would be the best choice. Unfortunately, I can't afford the VK50SE (I want to stay in the 2000$ range). So, which one is better for instance? The VK30SE or the VK5i? How do they all compare to each other? I'm also entertaining the idea of getting a Pass Aleph P (incidentially, one just popped up for sale). Would this be a good match with the VK-60?
Any other suggestions would be welcome, too. Oh, and what kind of power conditioner or at least surge protector works well the VK-60 (I know BAT recommends plugging it straight into the wall)?
you know, many audiofreaks dream about all-BAT system like myself for example :)
I also have a VK-60 and was considering one of the BAT pre's, with your budget I would go with the 5i, keeping in mind you have a digital source with true balanced outputs. If your CD player/pre only has single ended(RCA) outputs you need to use adaptor cables which is less then optimal, but it is a good idea to think ahead a bit. That is to say if you see yourself stepping up to say a Resolution audio CD-50(or 55) go with a pre that has balanced outputs and in the mean time use those lame adaptors. If you plan on using single ended and at the last moment going to balanced(just into the amp) I would recomend the VK-30(which has both single ended and balanced inputs/outputs, and a phone stage to boot!), but sonically it is sort of audio law that the VK-5i sounds better then the VK-30, also the 5i is upgradeable to a SE model which is suppose to be amazing for the money. Just for the record do you have a Rega Planet or a Planet 2000? Either way I feel the synergy between a good BAT pre and a good BAT amp is amazing for the $$$$. Considering your price range, I think BAT is one of the only logical high end products you should consider for this, they are hard to beat(ie nothing comes close for the same money, and I do mean nothing). If a fellow GoN member was not giving me a smoking deal on an Accuphase pre, I would be purchasing a 5i this weekend! I was in the same delema you where in, a few months back. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

I have an all BAT system. If you're just running a cd player you can use a passive Pre into the vk-60's. I have the BAT vk5d, 5se and vk60 monos. Bypassing the 5se causes no deterioration in sound using the EVS attenuators. The vk5i has a nice midrange, but the bass is soft. Upgrading the vk5i for $2000 just isn't cost effective. You'd be better off jumping for a better cd player. My 2 bits.
tim, where did you hear that the 5i sounds better than the vk-30? i thought the 30 was a newer design so that kinda surprises me. does this also mean the 5ise is superior to the 30se? thanks.