Got M&K MX-150 THX for Maggies... feelings?

I picked up an M&K MX-150 THX MkII for half price, feeling that it was a reasonably good deal for a 12" sealed sub to pair with my Magnepan surround sound system.

In the past it seems as though people have been impressed with the upper range of the MX-150 and that should come in handy when reaching up to the 80Hz crossover of my surrounds and center, although my mains, 1.6QRs go a bit deeper (50Hz or so).

My question is if anyone has any tips for blending this little guy into the system. I'm expecting to be blown away because my current subwoofer was a brick & mortar super sale special Infinity PS-10 that sounds a lot like my Fender Deluxe guitar amp when it is getting some seriously heinous feedback. Tips and tricks are welcome. Anyone feel that picking up a second would be a worthwhile purchase?

Thanks everyone for your help! By the way, I bought this over an Onix UFW-10 and an REL Strata III so if you think I'm a complete moron, be gentle.

Panel speakers tend not to go very low (ie most Maggies and almost all stats) and therefore they have a natural bass roll-off when run full range. In other words, no need to use any high-pass filters with them to "relieve" them of bass duties.

So run the sub (and its amp -- internal or external) from another pair of preamp main outs (if your preamp has two pair) and set it 10 - 20 Hz below the spec'd low limit of your panel. Then slowly bring up its volume until you can just barely hear the additional low end.

If you're buying just one sub (an excellent solution with panels IMO) place it exactly between the speakers (L/R/F/B) and if it has a phase adjust, set it to 90 degrees.
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That article and M&K's test tones look to be a fantastic resource, Bob. Thank you so much for the response!


P.S. One quick question... could placing the sub behind my left 1.6QR cause conflict with the sound radiating from the rear of the panel? There is a good amount of breathing room back there (more than 3'), but I'm not sure what the end result of that interaction would be.