Grace Design m902 vs. Benchmark DAC1?

Has anyone tried these units head-to-head? Both are Stereophile Class A, both are well regarded in the pro audio world. One Stereophile reviewer preferred the Grace, but another uses the Benchmark. The Grace has advantage of remote volume control and an additional analogue in, but it is significantly more expensive. I anticipate getting one of these two products to go into my main system streaming Apple Lossless from an Airport Express via toslink. Thoughts and recommendations appreciated, particularly if anyone is in a position to compare the way they sound.
I haven't. But I have read comparisons at and the concensus was that the Grace was inferior to the Benchmark. But I know at least two people that preferred the Grace. I have a Benchmark, but don't use it much anymore. It is a bit too thin for my liking, but its 'transparancy' can be exhilerating and can be just what some systems need. The Grace is, I understand, softer and fuller. Less impressive to audiophiles overall but easier to live with in some systems.
I have done a direct comparison with a DAC1 and a Grace 901. (the 901 was the pre-curser to the m902. the m902 has basically the same analog circuitry as the 901, and the DAC has been improved). The other gear used in the comparison was a Denon 2200 player, using the S/PDIF outs. then to a BAT vk60 amp with Von Schweikert VR4 speakers.

I prefered the Grace over the benchmark. both were very detailed, the DAC1 had a bit of a "sizzle" (for lack of a better term) in the high end. The grace unit was smoother and had a noticeably deeper low end. In deciding to stick with the Grace, I don't feel that I've lost any detail or transparency, but rather, similar detail as the benchmark, with better bass extension.
It was my DAC that Jason & I put head to head. The Grace was smoother & fuller sounding. They were very close but only b/c they were slightly different in tone. I think it is a flavor thing. In the end I kept my Benchmark b/c it wasn't worth the price difference between the two IMO. It is VERY close between the two, you can't go wrong either way.

The Benchmark is slightly thin & brittle sounding where the Grace is a little fatter & slightly more laid back. I am on the prowl to find a new DAC but I don't feel the Grace is a big enough step up for me to justify the cost.
you might want to check John Mark´s columns on the Stereophile -site. He has compared both units, and prefers the Grace, especially as a DAC