Granite under wood for better isolation?

I have some slabs of granite and I would like to know if I ordered 2 inch thick maple to go over (lay on top of the granite) the granite would this work to provide good isolation for my turntable and CD player? I do not like the sound of the granite alone.
Several people I know have recommended a composite of granite + mdf like audiogalore mentioned.

Here's a link to one manufacturer:

I have done some research on the web and it seems that Sorbothane and granite seem to work well together. Has anyone tried these sheets?
I ended up getting a 3 inch thick maple platform. Wow, I am very happy. Very natural. The best my records have ever sounded. I have vibrapod isolators under the maple platform. i could not be happier. I am suprised at how much better the table tracks records now. Its amazing how much their is to learn in this hobby.
I have had granite under my CDP, Amp and TT for a few years now. After reading this thread, it gave me pause. I grabbed my wife's bamboo cutting board and placed it under my CDP (on top of the granite) just to see if it would make any difference. It blew me away! The music was better, bass more defined and no fatigue- especially when the music gets really busy. I ran to the store and bought 3 more bamboo cutting boards. I put one under the TT and on top of the granite. The soundstage became spacey, less defined. So I tried putting the board under the granite and that sounded better. I put a board under my preamp, which is not on granite but has Sorbathane feet and got an incremental improvement. My amp sits on granite. When I put a board under my amp the improvement was dramatic. The bass became deeper and even more defined. No more fatigue even with the busiest music. So overall, seperating the CDP and amp from the granite with wood was a big improvement. The TT likes being on Granite. And I am smiling at the big improvement I made in my system for just a few $$ just by reading this thread.