Great Qobuz streamer. Upgrade from Bluesound Node 2

I use a Bluesound Node 2.  Upgraded from Spotify Premium.  Very pleased with Qobuz .Now I want to get the best streamer.  Budget max $ 3,000.Thank you.
  Not my thread , but streaming a laptop to a Schiit Yiggy via a Cardas Clear USB . Considering the Node 2i , but also the Project Stream Box Ultra S2. Cable choice made a huge difference . Looking forward to what you do, please post . Regards, Mike B. 
I just got the NAD M10 and it sounds much better than the Bluesound Node 2i/Yamaha integrated amp I replaced it with, right in your price range.
What do you guys think of using a PS Audio Bridge 2 with a PS Audio Direct Stream Dac?

Can Qoboz be configured?

It and Tidal are embedded in the MControl software along with Deezer, vTuner annd Spotify.