Greatest Composers of All Time

I found this list that might be of interest to the minority of audiophiles that are actually interested in classical music.
Greatest Composers
Well Audiozen, if you are referring to Beethoven's Piano Concertos vs Mozarts' piano concertos I'm not too sure I'm with you on that one. Yes, Beethoven's 5 concertos are all masterpieces but are they readily acknowledged as besting Mozart's last 10 say? Not to my ears, they're all great and memorable pieces in their own right. Interestingly listening to Beethoven's first you might well believe you are listening to Mozart, so obvious is his influence.
Mozart's Concerto's up against Beethoven's Emperor Concerto? No Way. The Emperor Concerto is Mount Everest and Mount Olympus combined. Can't touch it's majestic power.
Thanks for the clarification, Audiozen! To the subject of Mozart's piano concertos - one of the very underrated things about them is that they were actually used by him as laboratories of orchestration, particularly wind orchestration. His last symphonies and operas, etc. would not have been the masterworks they are without this type of experimentation.
The one Composer that is alway's ignored for the pioneering technique's he developed in 1705 in Venice is Violinist Antonio Vivaldi. He invented a bowing technique that became the standard for the Violin that spread all over Europe resulting in a major evolution that took violin playing too a whole new level.