Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



observations do not concur with established theory

approach 1. conclusion: observations are flawed

outcome: status quo preserved

approach 2. conclusion: further investigation is warranted

new or modified theory proposed that aligns with observations

theory tested >

null hypothesis formulated, rejected or not,

theory rejected, theory accepted for further testing, theory modified or new theory proposed,

theory tested > …etc etc.. outcome: Scientific progress is made, even if we reject 10 hypotheses

my own experiments have lead me to conclude that there are things going on within electrical fields that theory clearly states shouldn‘t, and based on the anecdotal reports of many audiophiles I am not alone. I view this as an opportunity for scientific advancement rather than something to be dismissed in a condescending manner.

There are just too many people independently reporting similar findings for them to be dismissed out of hand.

Ozzy, it sounded like you were thinking about running a wire from the Entreq to the duplex ground. That would seem to defeat the Entreq as the path of least resistance would be the component to the duplex ground. So why not just try the duplex ground or ground rod w/o the Entreq to see if they are equal in reducing noise? I believe these purchased boxes are no more than representatives of our earth(dirt, etc.) and the cheapest way to replicate them is to go straight to ground. The bigger the boxes, the better the reduction, i.e. the more "dirt" they represent.🤷‍♂️

I'll try grounding my negative speaker terminal to earth ground rod this weekend after I change out the purple fuses first in case there is a short I am not anticipating. I have tried grounding the mounting bolts of the drivers to the earth rod with zero effect.

I'll try grounding my negative speaker terminal to earth ground rod 

bury a large copper plate or large piece of scrap with about 3‘ cover and water during dry weather  -  have used this for RF for decades. Even a car radiator works well.

I have found that sometimes logic doesn’t always translate to audio reality. Especially when it comes to all things in this hobby.

Ozzy, completely agree...being new to this hobby for a little over a year now I am continually amazed how all sorts of tweaks make a big difference.   You need to have an open mind that non-logical changes may have a positive impact on your system.  The only way to know is give it a try with an open mind.  Too many seem to have bias before getting started.  I always thought the best way to improve sound is upgrade components...not anymore.  Nps 1260, fuses, shuman generators, ground boxes, power conditioners, acoustic treatment, helmholz resonators, cables, optical FMC’s, and I’m only a little over a year in.  Mind bending to me.