Grover Huffhman Sx

Anyone else using them? Would you offer me your impressions so that I might also have some others to judge against? I now have approx. 77 hrs. on mine and they continue to impress me, I know they will continue to open up more but thru this stage in changes they are amazing with the differences that I'm hearing when I listen to music that I that I am so intimately farmiliar with but, now hear nuances, textures, even better layering that had been hidden or masked before that now I do hear, for ex. I was listening to "White Witch" and the difference in tonal body, bass extention, decay and performance width & depth far surpassed anything I've heard prior on this CD. Yes, I do know this personally subjective from my listening judgement but, then again my ears don't throw a blanket over notes or vocal shadings that I hadn't heard before either. Grover's cables (I also use his "Silver Ribbon" speaker cables) have been one of the most cost effective and rewarding upgrades I've made with my system and no, I have no affliation or connection to Grover in any way other than being very satisifed with his commitment to offering great affordable products. That being said I look forward to the impression of others comparing my base line.
Made a purchase today! I am hoping to get rid of some grit in the upper mids, and highs. I was using MAC Palladiums, bought a tube amp and the Mac Palladiums are no good since they are unshielded. So now I have Blue Jean cable in since its shielded making the sound flat and brittle/etched sounding.
Fingers crossed!
Now have approx. 90 hrs. on my Sx Balanced cables and they started to flesh out after only 15 hrs! Now as I continue the sound is bigger, wider and deeper that any previous cable I have had in my system. RC Audio was my former reference with a large and deep presentation but now, using Grover's Silver Ribbons (speaker cables) and his balanced Sx IC there is more than just a subjective difference in the way my rig sounds now it just plain sounds even better and just continues to improve each time I listen to it. I also am in total agreement with everyone that has also posted, truely one of the most cost effective upgrades I could have done and (IMHO) an astounding difference and it took something special to replace my former reference cables as well. I hope Grover never stops.
I actually ordered a pair of the phono cables last saturday-talk about service. I ordered them on saturday and i received them monday-still not sure how this happened given Grover is in california and I am in tennessee, but I was grateful to receive them so quickly.

I resisted the temptation to immediately put them into my phono system and instead, broke them in for 100 on a break-in cd that I have. I gave a listen to them for the first time last night-I was blown away by how much difference a good phono cable can make. I have a Townshend Rock Mk III turntable with a modified Rega RB300 arm and Benz Glider cartridge. Amplification is with a Art Audio Jota amplifier and a phono amplifier designed by one of the Art Audio engineers-all tube-the Grover Huffman phono cable is a nice match for my system-it is the best that I have heard with my phono system-extremely quiet with great soundstaging. I particularly appreciate the articulation in the midrange with this setup, but there is also good depth to the bass and airness to the treble. This is a very well designed phono cable which I can recommend to anyone.