Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...

At the $200/pair price point new or used, how does GH ZX+ cables compare to others like Greg Straley Reality cables, Gabriel gold (GG) revelation/raptures and alike...

I am looking for a cable that is neutral, and does not act as a filter in any way to highlight a certain portion of the music. From top to bottom it must allow the source material to come through..

Since you have outright called me a liar on this thread (regarding taking my design), since you have insinuated that I owe you “a bunch of money” (you did not state this affirmatively but cleverly posed this in the form of a question), since you have brought personal emails into the discussion and since you have made statements that are clearly contradicted by the facts, you have impelled me to respond.

Regarding your statement that you did not take my design, here are exact quotes from your May 31, 2013 emails to me:

"I'm going to incorporate it [your design] into all my cables [sic] you won't believe the difference on the RCA's. Amazing. I'm in the process of buying a lot of submicron particle [name of metal]. The [name of metal] I bought is too large 15 micron and it sinks to the bottom like heavy stones. I'll be coating all my cables. No one will know though ... I feel God has brought us together my friend."

Regarding owing you money, our agreement was a 50/50 partnership. But, in the end, your refused to abide by the partnership you had agreed to. You attempted, unilaterally, to rewrite that agreement so that you would become both an employee AND a partner. You decided, unilaterally, that I should cover all the expenses and that you would receive 50% of MSRP even if the actually selling price was less than MSRP!

And, at the very end of our relationship, you demanded payment of $1000 for services rendered, in breach of our 50/50 agreement, and you demanded no less than $500 for shipping 10 empty aluminum shells and a collection of Tesla Plex SE receptacles up the coast from California to Portland, OR.

My response? I paid you $500 for the shipping and I paid you $1000 for services rendered for putting together 2 boxes -- in full accordance with your demands. I have proof that I made these payments to you. Unfortunately, you have painted yourself into a corner by claiming here that you did not take my design, and by insinuating that I owe you “a bunch of money”.

I note that your posts on this thread represent the first time you have ever posted to the Forum. It is unfortunate that you have taken this opportunity to digress from the subject of the OP, to attack me personally and to misrepresent the facts. By trying to transform this cable discussion into a discussion of our professional association, by introducing private emails into this discussion and by misstating the facts you are attracting disrepute. Lamentably, you are in the process of sullying the reputation that you have tried so hard to cultivate over the years. You have a lot to lose by your ill-advised posts -- and you are in the process of doing so. IMHO.

In my earlier post I indicated the desire to keep to the subject of the OP. But you have chosen to try to misdirect this discussion. I would like the discussion to return to the subject of the OP. The subject of the OP is cables.

The new Shunyata Alpha series are the most neutral cables I have tried to date. You may be able to pick one up at a bargain price on Audiogon -- well worth the try. I would suggest the Alpha Digital PC for starters. It's not only a matter of neutrality here. The low level detail, transparency and sound stage are stunning. In my system.
Yes, I remember that e-mail well. I was not talking about your design (you added that), the “it” referred to a new coating which has nothing to do with your design and you know that very well. I also remember the end of our relationship and it had nothing to do with my using your design in my cables since I have not used your design – modified or otherwise because your design does not work for cables.
I posted because people should know why you have been trashing my cables. I’m sure people are going to be able to glean the truth, and I know that most folks can identify excellence when they hear it. You can keep lying about me all you want, it won’t change the truth

Since you continue to digress from the OP, once I am out from under my work load later this week I will be be more than happy to document all the important points I have made here. I will respond to your recent digression in a very direct manner, quoting emails and dates, so that everyone may be able to "glean the truth".

The famous "it" you are making famous here refers to a coating you developed directly from my design (in a modified form so that attributing it to me could be avoided) -- and I will prove in black and white that this is the fact. With no room for any doubt whatsoever.

Those who care to read carefully through my posts in this thread will know that I am not "trashing" Huffman cables any more than I am "trashing" the cables from a number of other makers that I have named in this thread. I believe it is my right to express my opinions about cables here as freely as others do. What I have stated very clearly is that Huffman cables offer good value for the money -- but not to expect that they, or some of the others I mention, will perform in high end systems as well as some other cables which, admittedly, cost more. Since Shunyata has recently brought down the prices of their cables quite substantially, the price differential has been cut drastically -- which more than justifies digging deep to experience them, IMO. They offer one of the best price/performance ratios in high end cables at the moment, IMO, if not the best.

I think there may be the perception out there that you can buy some of the lower-priced cables and expect them to punch way above their price point, as the saying goes, regarding sound quality. Of course, this is subjective and also system dependent. But, in my system, I have found this to be true only in rare cases. Pangea, Gabriel Gold, ASI Liveline and Huffman cables are not among those rare cases.

Regarding expressing ourselves freely here, I believe we all have the right to state our opinions on matters concerning cables as long as we remain true to the OP and as long as we are respectful of others. If Ted Denney (Synergistic Research), Steve (Gabriel Gold), Franck Tchang (ASI Liveline) and Grover Huffman (Grover Huffman cables) wish to come on the Forum and defend themselves, so be it. Why not? We are all free to enter into the discussion.

But, IMO, it is unseemly to see any manufacturer appear on the Forum, especially for the first time, to digress into non-OP related matters, to bandy about the word "liar" in an off-OP commentary, while apparently trying to berate and belittle a serious poster who has contributed here for many years and who is studious enough to carefully document his statements. Snide and disrespectful comments are always noted by discerning Community members who are able to glean much by reading between the lines.

I will return to this thread before too many days -- with the story of how Ken's Magic Box became Grover's Magic Cable. With allegedly no connection whatsoever between the two? Hmmm.
Sabai what cables do you consider really outstanding for a price?
Can you share your experience with brands you really like?
Thank you.