Your current PS Audio DirectStream DAC, PS Audio BHK preamp & Parasound Halo JC1 monoblock amps are fine and good enough for your Focal Sopra 2. The Parasound Halo JC1 is on a fuller warmer side of neutral and I think is a good match for your Focal Sopra 2 speakers since the Focal is an analytical sounding speakers and would be better off with a full warmer sounding amp & preamp like the Parasound Halo JC1 and the PS Audio BHK preamp, which is a hybrid design with tube input & SS output stages.
But that being said, between the Gryphon Diablo 300 & Vitus RI-101 if I were you I would probably go with the Vitus for the Focal Sopra since the Focal is analytical sounding speaker and the Gryphon Diablo is somewhat neutral whereas Vitus in general imo would have more fuller warmer sound in comparison to the Gryphon. So I think the Vitus would be better match for your Focal Sopra speakers.
I would pair your Focal Sopra speakers with full warm sounding electronics If I were you.
Other electronics that will be a great match for your Focal speakers is Naim Audio. Look for some Naim separates. But if you go with Naim, you will have to go all the way Naim, starting from a digital front end source component (Naim digital streamer/DAC), linestage analog preamp & power amp.
If you decide to go with Naim electronics I highly recommend that you use Naim's proprietary DIN connections (DIN cables) to connect between Naim components or electronics in order to optimize sound quality and will sound quite a bit better than using its RCA connections (cables) to connect between Naim electronics. Naim always highly recommends using its proprietary DIN connections. That's why you will have to all the way Naim using Naim streamer/DAC, preamp & amp and use DIN. DIN is basically a Naim's simplified version of XLR balanced analog audio connectors.
Naim makes excellent highly musical sounding streamer/DAC especially their ND 555 streamer/DAC paired with external 555 PS DR external power supply unit. They are expensive though.
Naim electronics sounding full body, warm (I would characterize it as intoxicated warmth not like tubey syrupy type of warmth) very natural organic sound yet excel in PRAT without straining or sounded forced. Very rhythmic with great pace speed & timing and has musical drive. very musically engaging and involving.
I highly recommend Naim separates for your Focal Sopra 2. Actually your Focal Sopra 2 were voiced and tuned using Naim electronics since the Focal and Naim merged some few years ago. They would have good synergy together.
Your current PS Audio DirectStream DAC, PS Audio BHK preamp & Parasound Halo JC1 monoblock amps are fine and good enough for your Focal Sopra 2. The Parasound Halo JC1 is on a fuller warmer side of neutral and I think is a good match for your Focal Sopra 2 speakers since the Focal is an analytical sounding speakers and would be better off with a full warmer sounding amp & preamp like the Parasound Halo JC1 and the PS Audio BHK preamp, which is a hybrid design with tube input & SS output stages.
But that being said, between the Gryphon Diablo 300 & Vitus RI-101 if I were you I would probably go with the Vitus for the Focal Sopra since the Focal is analytical sounding speaker and the Gryphon Diablo is somewhat neutral whereas Vitus in general imo would have more fuller warmer sound in comparison to the Gryphon. So I think the Vitus would be better match for your Focal Sopra speakers.
I would pair your Focal Sopra speakers with full warm sounding electronics If I were you.
Other electronics that will be a great match for your Focal speakers is Naim Audio. Look for some Naim separates. But if you go with Naim, you will have to go all the way Naim, starting from a digital front end source component (Naim digital streamer/DAC), linestage analog preamp & power amp.
If you decide to go with Naim electronics I highly recommend that you use Naim's proprietary DIN connections (DIN cables) to connect between Naim components or electronics in order to optimize sound quality and will sound quite a bit better than using its RCA connections (cables) to connect between Naim electronics. Naim always highly recommends using its proprietary DIN connections. That's why you will have to all the way Naim using Naim streamer/DAC, preamp & amp and use DIN. DIN is basically a Naim's simplified version of XLR balanced analog audio connectors.
Naim makes excellent highly musical sounding streamer/DAC especially their ND 555 streamer/DAC paired with external 555 PS DR external power supply unit. They are expensive though.
Naim electronics sounding full body, warm (I would characterize it as intoxicated warmth not like tubey syrupy type of warmth) very natural organic sound yet excel in PRAT without straining or sounded forced. Very rhythmic with great pace speed & timing and has musical drive. very musically engaging and involving.
I highly recommend Naim separates for your Focal Sopra 2. Actually your Focal Sopra 2 were voiced and tuned using Naim electronics since the Focal and Naim merged some few years ago. They would have good synergy together.