Halcro VS Boulder amps, which one is better ?

I would like to know from people who listened to both the Halcro & boulder which one will be the better one ?
(ofcourse the top model against the top model)
That's a pretty vague question. I don't think anyone will be able to answer it honestly(perhaps a select few). Which do you like better chicken or steak?

I had a dealer tell me that the Boulder was much better, when listening on Avalon speakers. He had both in his shop and he spoke with a lot of knowledge but, HIS words not mine. He did not get specific but made it clear he prefered Boulder.
i heard the Boulder at a dealer a few times and wasn't impressed (it seemed grainy and dark).....but i would add that i never cared for the overall system it was in...Wisdom speakers that were never properly dialed in....they couldn't figure out the Wisdom "brain" properly.....so discount my comments accordingly. i have been told by people i respect that Boulder amps are very special. and i would point out that i have been told that the Boulder is grain-free and very open in contrast with my own observations.

my 2 favorite solid-state amps are the Halcro and the Edge.

i had the Halcro DM-58 in my system for 3 days last year and it is very special....the fastest, most transparent, most detailed amp i have heard.....but.....it may be too lean sounding for some systems/speakers. i heard both the Halcro and the Edge amps at CES and there i preferred the Edge ($30k monoblocks)....it was mated to the Lumin White (sp?) speakers. easily the most "musical" and "edge-less" solid state amps i have heard.

i would guess these 3 solid state amps are all winners in the "right" system (if you want a ss amp ;^)

i would choose the Edge, then Halcro, and then the Boulder based on my experiences and listening preferences.