Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
Agree with Ezmerelda's points 1,6,7,8,9., based on my personal experience and preference.

Anyone notice that the "high end proponents" post personally attacking posts on the "don't waste your money" posters rather more frequently than the other way around. You guys need to loosen up and get out more.
Seantaylor99 should I assume that your post is directed at me? Let me say that I won't post an "attack " until someone says something completely preposterous. So i can assume when a person says "all" of whatever sort of component or device is crap, that they have carefuly listened and considered the qualities of "all" of these products available. The point is that you are only impeding others who come here to learn. I personaly am imune to this sort of dogma since I am aware of how to get good sound and it won't hinder my system a bit, although it does pose a problem to people who might really belive you. And since it must take alot of time to "review" every single component that you and ezmerelda procede to label as audio fraud, I would assume that you may not get out much yourself. I have run into this for years, the "expert" oh brother! why don't you just start your own audio component company or better yet start your own Audio Journal, let's see what could we call such an interesting publication where they can't hear the difference or see the value in anything they can't or more to the point don't know how to measure , I've got it! "Stereo Review" have fun "Julian".
Maxgain, I didn't label every single component as audio fraud. I pointed out that IN MY OPINION (which is surely what a post is?) certain aspects of hifi equipment give very little bang for the buck.

Please bear in mind that we all have differing frames of reference. We do not all wish to spend $20K or more on hifi hardware, and so it is important to remember that some of those "who come here to learn" are being fed misinformation if they are told that megabuck cables or $5000 CD players will give them value for money.

I reiterate that all posts are personal opinions based on ones own frame of reference (in my case a system of second hand equipment which cost a mere $2500 to put together, but which to me and all visitors to my house sounds fabulous).

Perhaps we should all be clearer to state our frame of reference so that readers can decide how applicable our information is to their decisions. However to desist from posting merely because I can find my "audio nirvana" at a reasonable price is misinformation to those seeking similar levels of performance to myself.
seandtaylor, perhaps i shouldn't speak for maxgain, but i'm sure his feelings closely mirror mine: you are sticking up for someone who, in condemning things he doesn't like about the hi-end, uses the word "ALL" an awful lot.

personally, i can only agree w/esmeralda's item #'s 6 & 10: w/item #6, specific components are named. whether or not one agrees w/the judgment of these specific components, is another matter - at least the item gives his feelings about specific product, & how he feels about it. as for item #10, i, too, hate compressed digital recordings. (don't much care for compressed analog recordings, either, for that matter!) :>) but, this doesn't mean *all* digital recordings are compressed.

ymmv, doug s.

ps - i'm sure esmeralda is correct about the shame of all the etc, etc, etc, in the high-end, too, eh? ;~)