Hang / move large tv by myself? Is there a tool?

I have a 75inch Samsung Frame tv on the wall.  I need to be able to take it down.  I cannot do this alone.  However, I figured there's got to be some cool tool I can use as a "helper".  Like an adjustable saw horse to use on one side.  A mini crane.  Something to support one side while I unhook it from the wall..

I've found some interesting possibilities like: farm jacks, fastcap poles, automotive cranes (big and expensive)..

Anyway, I'm surprised there isn't a product out there directly made for something like this.

I was trying to NOT have to build something but open to all ideas.

I think I got it!  I need an electric standing desk.. Most raise to 48 inches and the bottom of my tv is only 43 inches.  

I'll build a cradle out of wood and carpet it for safety.  Scoot the desk right under the tv and raise it up so the wood assembly grabs the bottom and hoists it up, then lean  it over onto a slanted wood carpeted back that I'll make..

I'm a little surprised there's not a better option.  

My second option is the Air Bag TV Drop mentioned above.  That serves this purpose and is also fun for the whole family.
I used my sit/stand desk to take down my super heavy Sony Kuro plasma TV and it has been my computer monitor on the sit/stand desk ever since.  I originally installed that TV myself using a pair of ropes and pulleys and 2 hooks in the ceiling.  I left the hooks in the ceiling for ages thinking I would upgrade some day and the Mrs finally got tired of looking at them and had me remove them and patch the ceiling.  I didn't want to patch the ceiling again so that is where the bright idea to use the sit/stand desk came in.  Always try to work smart and not hard, lest you pay the price when your old.
Get a helper. Way too much can go wrong with a jerry-rigged solution. Even the big box stores who do this for a living send two people in the truck. If there were a safe way to do it with one person and a contraption, they would definitely do this to save labor costs, even if it were a very expensive contraption.
Let's see...so you'd rather spend hours putting together an apparatus for what is likely a one-time use, then figure out how to store it for the rest of your life ('cause you're a guy, and it might come in handy at some point in the future) than just ask somebody to help you?  
@fatdaddy2  There are a couple of problems with asking friends. 

1. New neighborhood in new suburb so I don't know many of my neighbors.

2. I need this done whenever I want.  I'm not sure how long it'll take me to do all I need to do behind the tv.  So it could be late night.

3. I enjoy making jigs like this and need to use my tools lest my wife continue to complain about them.