Harbeth 40.2

Anybody have any experience with the Harbeth 40.2 speakers regarding room size, placement, power requirements, and of course the subjective stuff, especially regarding comparisons to other speakers in their price range?
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I own the 40.2’s, the only flaw I can touch on is their cabinet.  I am not a fan of the big box design, but man, they sound VERY good.  I do not agree with the statement about loss of any detail in the midrange.  They will respond and change depending on what you feed them with.
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I’ve got a pair of the 30.1’s and completely agree with dznutz - the Harbeth’s are as close to completely transparent as I’ve heard.  
I’d also say that we oldsters have a more refined perspective on fine sound than a 21 year old.  Music is not binary.  
I’m not sure Harbeth speakers would be the best reproduction devices for dubstep.