Harbeth Comparison

I loved the Harbeth Super HL5s at the RMAF. Has anyone compared the HL5 with the Harbeth Monitor 30 and / or 40.1? I am very interested in adding a Harbeth to my system.
The HL5 is an excellent speaker, but if you can't afford the 40.1, don't listen to it. I have compared them on the same system, and the 40.1 trumps them in every way, and as I said, the HL5 is an excellent speaker.
I've owned both the HL5s and the Monitor 30s and it really all depends with how they will click with your room. They both have a "family" sound - beautiful, natural vocals and sound good at moderate listening levels and at relatively close distances. IMO, the HL5s sound bigger, as the cabinets are bigger (makes sense)and the 30's a bit more precise, but not necessarily better. I would say that the HL5s are more tolerant of lesser associated equipment. Both are really great speakers. What is the rest of your system and what music do you mostly listen to?
The new 30.1 is an amazing speaker. Yes it is smaller than the C7es3 and costs quite a bit more than the c7 and even the super 5 but it is one amazing speaker. I'm not kidding when I say I lay awake at night thinking about how sweet it sounds. I would say imo that if you're room is the right size for it you should persue the 30.1. For my ears its the best they've ever produced hands down. They're going to sell a ton of these speakers once people start to hear them so of course used will come fast. Have a listen for yourself. I personally would choose the 30.1 over any of them. I own the C7es3 and have heard them all.
Some of the best sound at Vegas, Newport, and RMAF shows came from the Harbeth 30.1 rooms.
A note about "better" and the upgrade churn. Have owned several Harbeth models and have heard the entire line including the new 30.1. All models are well engineered broadcast monitors with family Harbeth sound. The difference is in scale and what matters most with all of them are room acoustics, correct stand height, and placement. Bear in mind with the internet it's become quite easy to start a little hype campaign with some strategically placed forum posts. Do yourself a financial favor audiophiles and read between the lines of some of these "over-the-top" forum reviews and keep in mind who is looking out for their income stream before you sell-off your already excellent Harbeth's at a third or more to buy another Harbeth that costs three times or more what you presently own.