Harbeth sound with high wife acceptance factor?

I fell in love today with the Harbeth C7s.

Unfortunately, my wife did not.

She doesn't like speakers on stands, she doesn't like big speakers. But she did like the sound ;-)

Any suggestions for a small floorstander with Harbeth sound and better looks? We listened to the Dali Mentor 6 - the looks were great, the sounds was good, but it was just not as musical as the Harbeth.

Budget is around $3,000 - any suggestions?
How about a pair of Vandersteen 3's. I can't imagine anyone not liking the way those look.
OK the custom stand idea is simply brilliant!

While I can sympathize with the respondants who felt that musical fidelity takes precedence to marital fidelity, I must humbly disagree ;-)

I will check with my dealer and see if he can help with this. Other forums recommend Skylan stands, so I will try them first.

Thank you!
I had the Harbeth Compact 7's. My wife kind of went along. I later went to the m30.1; smaller speaker and better sound. I used Skylan stands with both pairs. I heartily agree that marital fidelity is far more important. Perhaps if she picked the speaker's finish and stands she would be more inclined to go along.
@Valinar - I am going to try your sneaky play. I think the M30.1 will be the right size and let her pick out finish and Skylan stands. I will let you know how it goes!

@Zd542 - the Vandersteens look beautiful but we have a small city house so need something smaller, like 40"h x 12"w x 12"d

@Pops - I will check out the Devore's I have heard good things about them

Thank you Adiogon community - you responded warmly to a newbie question, even better, you made me laugh!
Interesting because I just bought C7s because my wife liked the looks so much better than the SF Cremona Auditor. I was fine with it because the C7s are so much easier to drive. I put mine on Foundation stands and I move them in and out of the listening area so they aren't the focal point of the room, even though they are quite beautiful. Our place is super modern so the Eucalyptus is perfect. Was it the Sound Anchor stands that you were trying to sell to her? If so, take a look at the Foundation stands. they are gorgeous and minimal and in my room better sounding than the Sound Anchor.