What Albertporter said. Doubled. Google "reshipping" for your first eyeopening scare. Then Google Rawshipping.com or just rawshipping and be extra concerned - 'cause there's nothing there. Then peruse the www.rawshipping.com site and be at least sceptical. If they really are in the UK, be even more sceptical. Read the FAQ and stuff like that, and then look closely at the bottom of the page - the copyright is by United Shippers. Google United Shippers and come up with United Shippers, Mumbai.
None of that means it is a scam. But if they really are in the UK and they really are real I would have expected something a bit different.
And for the real kicker (at least to me) - if you click on the "register" link there's a testimonial under ATV by a "Tom Boal, Huntsville ON". Google that phrase and you might find the first response from boatsforsale.org (in Toronto). The second link from Google was for "www.transathlantics.com/thrd_register.php" - and it's practically the same register page as at RawShipping. Heck - the whole transathlantics.com site looks just like RawShipping w/ a different name. Curious, at best.
If it was just me - I'd run away from this as fast as possible. It just doesn't pass my litmus test and I work hard enough for my money to risk even $.02 with something like Rawshipping.