has anybody else noticed this about singers?

Sam here again and this might sound crazy however there are a select few singers who’s voice resonates with your ears and it has nothing to do with how good they can sing for example bob dylan does not have a smooth voice however it resonates as if it is in tune with your ears others include john lennon,george harrison,glen fry,todd rungren,jimi hendrix,mark knopler,bob marley,johnny thunders,johnny lydon(sex pistols) mick jagger,keith richards,roger waters.Here are some great singers who don’t seem to resonate with my ears as if there out of tune with my ears.Paul mccartney,don henley,david bowie,phil collins,sting,tom petty,david byrne,michael jackson,david gilmore,robert plant,steve perry.
lf you listen to george harrisons voice on the dark horse album1974 his voice was in the worst shape however it amplified the resonant effect and sounded more in tune. Here is a singer who sounds like a cat being killed however that makes no difference because his voice instantly resonates with my ears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VVj1zqbWpU&ab_channel=DominoRecordingCo.

here is another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKL4X0PZz7M&ab_channel=FirstAidKitVEVO

And let’s not forget the lovely voices of Rickie Lee Jones, Joan Armatrading, Sara Bareilles, Joni Mitchell, Annie Lennox, Jennifer Warnes, Patty Griffin, Nina Simone, Paula Cole, Vienna Teng, and Eva Cassidy : )
It’s very simple: normaly, at the front, you have the singer, guitar/ piano. Back there: other Instruments:violins,orchestration,.. At the very back: drums, (percussion).. With a good recording, you hear: 3D:You Can hear where the instrument is, more in the foreground , some more behind it. Voice, guitar,piano have approximately the same frequency: between 300 and 800 hz. If they are recorded and mixed at the same volume ,gives that a kind of resonance. It gives the impression that it is mixed up. Gives a bad feeling in the ears. The last one of Sarah Brightman is such a bad recording, as her voice comes all the way from the back. That’s the reason why ,you have good and bad recordings. The better your equipment, the more you will make a choice in your music. Ultimately you will listen to the less good (or bad) recordings much less because it irritates your ears.
kevn you hit a home run with every singer you mentioned.you damn well get it friend.
lukaske...I think Sarah Brightman has an incredible voice, but I bought one of her CDs, played it one time and threw it away. You're right, the recordings are terrible and her voice is somewhere in the background. The overblown orchestra completely dominates the singer. I bought the CD to hear Brightman, not the orchestra. 

After reading the posts on this thread I get the feeling that two different definitions of "resonate" are being used.