Has anybody heard Zucable's Definition 1.5s

Hi guys. Today makes three weeks since my Definitions arrived. They are breaking in nicely, plus the Zuboys put 150 hours on them for me. Great guys, communicaton and service. I haven't heard much on the 'gon about the Druids or the Definitions which I find a bit surprising. Anyway, I'm not doing a review, but would be very interested to hear other Definition owners impressions. My experiences up to now are nothing less than stella. The last time I heard a speaker this fast was my Maggie Tympani 1Ds. Electrostatic/planar speed from paper cone woofers. I read Srajan's review on 6moons and that had started my interest, but it was a couple of other audiophools experiences with the Definitions that sold me. The 101db and chance to switch to tubes, particularly SET was very stimulating. After three weeks of listening, I find that Sragan's review was a bit understated. These speakers are very exciting and like nothing I have ever owned before. 12" foot print, bass down to 16Hz and a midrange to die for and NO crossover. Right: none. I have never had so much musical air around me in my listening space. 14 speakers must have something to do with that. Any others out there get a chance to hear these babies or own them? thanks in advance. peace, warren :)
Sorry, I am not answering your question either, but asking a question. I am also very interested in the Definition speakers, but am wondering if I can accomodate them. I have a quite large, 20 by 20ft room, but it is very cluttered and I can't move stuff out. Do they need a lot of room to breathe? If you pay the sort of money they cost, you want to get the best out of them. Can they be near a front wall? Do you need to be 12ft plus away from them, to integrate the base? Thanks
They will easily fill your space with sound, and they can be kept as close as a few inches from you "front" wall. My listening space is equally large and I have 12 foot ceilings. Dispersion is huge with less problematics for set-up. I have found, for my taste and my room geography that 8 feet apart with the slightest of toe in ( maybe 10 degrees) works beautifully. I sit 11 feet from the front baffle of each speaker. 10 feet is good, less than that becomes less than that in sound. 11 feet works for me as well as some other Definition owners. If you rather sit closer, get the Druids. They work better for close listening, if that's your game...hope this helps. You got 60 days to figure it out. Doesn't work? Back to Utah for a full refund, less shipping. Can't beat that with a stick. warren
I just upgraded my Def's to Pro's, which require much more care and feeding. If I wasn't into electronic and rap music this wouldn't be needed at all.

They are a spectacular speaker. What the owners say is true. I owned the Druids previously and they are wonderful as well.