Has anyone had success converting friends?

As many times as I invite friends over to listen to my stereo and explain to them the virtues of a great system, none of them ever catch the bug. All of them are extremely passionate about music and are intrigued by my set-up, none of them ever go out and buy good stuff. This is frustrating. I see them spend money on a bunch of other things, but never good audio. I have been unsuccessful at converting one single person to the audiophile bug.
Since getting large three ways I have the opposite experience. People always ask - generally the reaction is OMG that sounds so real - especially drums.

I admit I rarely get the "jaw dropped on the floor reaction" at modest music levels. Lets face it a cheap pair of audioengine speakers at the local Mac dealer is pretty good. And the average car stereo is 10x better than what it was in the 70's. There is stiff competition out there.

I think it reflects the fact that most systems - even cheap ones - are good enough sounding to most people (non audiophiles) at modest levels.

IMHO, to impress/knock socks off you really need to present the live music experience with total clarity and definition - in essence do something that the majority of systems are incapable of - reproduce a band at realistic sound levels.
nope but two ladies came to my door trying to convert me to mormon. I just stared blanky and stated "no hablo mormado i'm an audiophile" and they said "May Jesus heal you", and left without even handing me a leaflet. It was that bad.
No my friends could care less and especially if they knew the financial investment I've made.
Been in this hobby 27 years. Up until about 16 years ago coworkers and friends were coming up to me to set them up.
Gradually that has changed. The last 10 years it has been almost impossible to talk about it. Surround sound and DVDs and even car radios has taken over. I like music to be as pure as possible within my financial abilities. Most people around here just like noise. However I do have several friends that have nice systems and they come to me for advice plus we have fun talking about music and the components. Sad to see how most people support junk and throw there money away though.
I've helped several friends put together very nice systems after they became interested because of listening to my system. The difference between them and me, though, is that after they got their very nice system, they had absolutely no interest in changing it. They love the sound and they love the music but they think the idea of constantly upgrading is nuts. I agree with them, I just can't help it.