Has anyone heard FM Acoustics

I have been told by a couple of Audiophiles that the FM Acoustics amplifiers were incredibly good and very expensive. Has anyone had hand-on experiences with these amplifiers? The amp I have heard of most is the Resolution 811. Would this venerable amp still approach the state of the art for solid state?
Yeah, they're subliminal, but really overpriced ... I'm told you can get pretty much close results with Spectral Audio, for much less money ...
17yrs from their first introduction (in '91 if I'm not mistaken), Resolution Series were the benchmark for many designers to aspire to. Having learnt a trick or two, yes I heard few 'makes' managed to come up with really great sounding products too.

But problem is, as others were just about approaching this (almost) two decades old design's performance, FM Acoustics again took off with yet other breakthroughs in their 1811 (amp) & 268 (pre).

As I'm thinking of an upgrade, and this is a substantial outlay, would really appreciate if someone who had a 'genuine' first hand experience with the above products to share their thoughts. Just as I've been faithful enough to live with the 611 for more than 15yrs, this next amp purchase might also well be my last..
Replying to Bvdiman's 10-31-08 post: I have had the opportunity to listen to the a pair of 1811s driving the Genesis 1.1 loudspeaker system and must say it is really good. After having in my system FM 255 pre and 811 power combo for the good part of 07 years I can only testify that Fms are the ultimate in it's class. The "Rolls Royce" of hi-fi , period.
Having heard recently two different set-ups of 'FM Inspiration System1s', one being driven by 266mkII and a pair of 1811s. The other a 268 with a pair of their Anniversary 2011s (total 4pcs).. Left me plain speechless! Made me took the plunge and bought their 268 to partner them with my 611 for the time being. Now, thinking of ways of how to afford those amp plus speakers and a cdp upgrade, hopefully soon when this crisis eases off.. ;) And thanks, your response sure put more weight into my decision. Cheers!
Hi Bvdiman, thanks for the reply on the other thread. I have read your threads and this is what has really peaked my interest because I'm also at the same stage you were at not too long ago.

The amps and other gear you mention, I have had a few of the same pieces and in 2004 I actually had the same AR 600 MKIII's you had in 2005 and yes paired up with the Ref3 which I still have currently. I also had at the same time a VTL 7.5 pre and Ref 750's paired up with Avalon Isis speakers, I was switching back and forth and trying different combo's. In the end I just could not get what I wanted out of the set-up as a whole. This is a separate system in a designated room and not where my MBL's are set-up which is in a living room atmosphere. I decided to sell the Isis and the person who wanted them wanted everything including cables so I sold everything and to date I have not yet replaced. I had actually bought the MBL's with the intention for them to go into this room but they first went into the living rm, they just sound so marvelous in this rm and are my favourite speakers and will be staying where they are.

Those AR amps were the biggest amps I have ever owned to date and the rest you already know.

I purchased a new pair of CAT JL3 Sig. MKII mono'ss aprox. a year ago specifically in mind to be paired up with the MBL's but unfortunately it just did not work out long term, lets just say the negative information you hear and read, well it's all so true so I decided I wanted no part of that and sold them. Currently I have not replaced them and have some 60 watt mono's in place to tie me over.

I have read what little I have found about FM products but have never personally heard any of the product, I have read where some individuals make reference saying they are over priced and too hyped up and aren't all that and you can spend allot less and get the same or even better. I even read one of your posts where you made reference to saying;

"they also tended to be rather bright, with high listener fatigue and a touch on the clinical side of things."
which I have to say makes me have a second thought especially at the high cost factor.

I find my self doing allot more research this time arround.

When I read some of your threads I have to it was like I was looking into a mirror saying to my self could this be true?

Bvdiman I have to admit I hear you load and clear when you said;

"I have tried the long, hard and winding ways to elude spending so much on insanely priced equipments myself. However, in the end just have to take my hat off and throw in the towel to the FMAs. Those lengthy trip not only left me very little time to enjoy music (more the equipments), they also ended up being 'costlier' too (factoring each amp trade-ins and cable swapping for the last 15yrs!)."

What is the rest of your set-up and size of room, I believe I read you live in S.E.Asia. right?

Anyone else reading this thread I would like your thoughts also. Recommendations of what you would think would be a good fit with my current pces, positive and negative welcome.

MBL 101E speakers, red book cd only, no phone so line stage only needed. Remote preferred

Sources; Oracle 2000 transport paired up with Accustic Arts Hybrid Tube Dac, cables Stealth, Indra Balanced two sets, Sextet digital, Dream power cords threw out, two sets of Dream speaker cables as my MBL's are true bi-wire.